Friday, September 20

The United States includes Cuba in the list of countries sponsoring terrorism

Estados Unidos incluye a Cuba en lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo

Cuba’s interference in Venezuela was punished by the US

Photo: Ernesto Mastrascusa / Getty Images

The government of Donald Trump put more obstacles to a possible thaw of relations with Cuba in the next administration.

This Monday, the State Department reinstated Cuba in the list of States sponsoring terrorism , from which it had been withdrawn in 2015 by the previous government of Barack Obama , during the “thaw” of the bilateral relationship.

“The State Department has designated Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism for repeatedly supporting acts of international terrorism by granting safe haven to terrorists, “Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement.

The State Department justified the action with the presence of members of the National Liberation Army , an insurgent group in Colombia, in Cuba. He also recalled that the Caribbean nation is a refuge for people who are in the fugitives most wanted by the FBI .

Cuba is also accused of assisting the Chavista regime in Venezuel to. The designation penalizes individuals and countries that conduct certain trade with Cuba, restricts foreign aid from the United States, prohibits exports and defense sales, and imposes certain controls on exports of dual-use items.

With information from EFE.