Friday, September 20

Tycoon spends $2 million a year biohacking his body to regain youth

Advanced blood tests, MRIs, ultrasounds and even colonoscopies are part of the entrepreneur's monthly menu
Advanced blood tests, MRIs, ultrasounds and even colonoscopies are part of the entrepreneur’s monthly menu

Photo: Chris Hyde/Getty Images

The opinion

For: The opinion Posted Jan 27, 2023, 21:06 pm EST

The secret of youth could be in the money, because a Magnate of USA spend millions to recapture your youth and keep it.

bryan johnsona 45-year-old technology entrepreneur, says that spend about 2 million dollars a year in biohacking to make your body youthful again.

El superico, which sold its payment processing company Braintree Payment Solutions to eBay for $800 million, has a team of 30 doctors who control their bodily functions and devise ways to reverse the aging process of each of their organs.

Through his YouTube channel, Johnson reveals that with the help of all these personnel, a daily routine for whose maintenance and improvement pays about 2 million dollars a year.

Johnson and his doctors refer to the collection of experiments and procedures they perform as “Blueprint Project”. This includes strict dietary guidelines, exercise, sleepas well as various extreme and sometimes painful medical procedures to monitor and measure your progress.

advanced blood tests MRIsultrasounds and even colonoscopies are part of the entrepreneur’s monthly menu.The tycoon also repairs the damage caused by the sun on his skin by applying seven creams a day and making weekly acid peels and laser therapy.

He gets up every morning at 5 and take two dozen supplements and medicationsand rinses his mouth with tea tree oil and antioxidant gel after brushing and flossing, apparently helping him keep the gum inflammation low for a 17-year-old.

their different ages

Doctors on his team and Johnson himself say his data shows drastic improvement within his body. Apparently he has the heart of a healthy 37 year old manthe skin of one of 28 and lung capacity and physical form of one of 18. Also, he only has 5-6% body fat. Also, he only has 5-6% body fat, which is pretty remarkable for his age.

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