Sunday, October 6

Mexican mayor resigns after death threats; she was 17 days in office

Medina warned that if she continues to be pressured and threatened, she will reveal the names of those involved.
Medina warned that if she continues to be pressured and threatened, she will reveal the names of those involved.

Photo: Facebook/City Hall of Santa Maria del Rio / Courtesy

The opinion

For: The opinion Posted Jan 24, 2023, 1:37 pm EST

Corruption has permeated so much in Mexico that those who do not accept being part of it expose themselves to different dangers, including losing their lives, which is why some prefer to leave the public positions they hold so as not to expose themselves or accept bribes. Such is the case of Edna Yuridia del Carmen Medina Floreswho served as mayoress of Santa María del Río, San Luis Potosí, although she was only 17 days in that position.

And it is that according to what was detailed by herself during a video that she published on her Facebook account, almost when occupying the position they offered him a bribe of five million pesoswhich she rejected, but in doing so she began to receive death threats, something that was not limited to her but also extended to her family.

She protested as mayor on January 5, five days after Mayor Emmanuel Govea died in a traffic accident when he was driving on a highway and his truck left the road.

Medina Flores served as councilor of the population, for this reason she was appointed substitute mayor, but the threats he received escalated and if they were personal they extended to his familywhat for her is the “most precious thing”, so to safeguard her own integrity and that of her loved ones, she made the decision to leave office.

During the message she addressed to the population, she assured: “I am a mother and for my children I will always show my face, and their unconditional love is worth more than anything in this world; no position or highest salary will be above them.

In the same vein, she asked to stop the smear campaign against her, against her children and husband, as she argued that the end they wanted was already achieved.

Opposition to a construction

Days before launching the resignation message, Edna Yuridia del Carmen Medina Flores published, also on her Facebook account, that had received pressure to build a gas station and a gas station in the municipal capital.

But in the council meetings, he expressed his rejection of such works and argued that one of the reasons was that these facilities would imply the risk of an explosion near three elementary schools, a middle school and a high school.

Without mentioning names, the now former mayoress of Santa María del Río affirmed that they tried to bribe both the late mayor and her to authorize that workshe said, riddled with corruption.

“Forgive me because this has already gotten out of hand, I want you to know that my family is the most sacred and I don’t expect you to understand it, but that’s how I see it, I just hope that you as a people do not let this work be carried out in the center that will endanger the lives of the children who attend the nearby schools,” he said.

Medina warned that If she continues to be pressured and threatened, she will reveal the names of those involvedthrough a live broadcast on the same social network.

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