Thursday, October 3

What are the most and least trustworthy professions in the US?

Among all the professions analyzed, health care workers are the most trusted among Americans.
Among all the professions analyzed, health care workers are the most trusted among Americans.

Photo: Karen Ducey/Getty Images

Americans are clear which professions can be trusted and which are not or, at least, to a lesser extent with respect to workers whose ethics and honesty is highly valued.

A Gallup poll conducted since 1976 reveals the pulse that the population in the United States has on 18 of the most common professions among the country’s workers.

According to this year’s Gallup results, healthcare personnel seized the top three spots as lThe most valued professions in terms of honesty and ethicsbased on responses from Americans.

On the contrary, telephone sales workers are the least appreciated among the professions surveyed this year, followed by federal congressmen and car salesmen.

Nurses Earn Among Most Trusted Professions

Nurses earned the appreciation of the entire country during the most difficult years of the COVID-19 pandemic, and their prestige among Americans continues.

In the latest Gallup poll, 79% of the people who were consulted rate nurses “high” or “very high” for honesty and ethical standards are concerned.

But this assessment of the population on nurses is not recent, since since 1999 they have topped the Gallup list one of the most trusted professions in America.

“Individually and collectively, we are making a difference in people’s lives at the worst and best of times,” Jennifer Mensik Kennedy, president of the American Nurses Association, said in a report for The Hill.

following the nurses there are doctors and pharmaceutical workerswho ranked second and third, respectively, in this year’s survey results.

62% of Americans believe that doctors are highly ethical professionals, while 58% believe the same of pharmacists.

The least trustworthy, they work behind the phone.

Outside of health-related professions, the rest of the workers drop notoriously in terms of the confidence that the population has them.

At the extreme end of the low ethical and honesty esteem are the workers who sell by telephone, of which 59% of those surveyed considered that they your honesty and ethics is “low” or “very low”.

In the background of the survey, lthe members of Congress They accompany telephone workers as the workers with the lowest perception of ethics and honesty, with only 9% of those surveyed estimating high standards for them.

Meanwhile, the survey detailed that journalists have a 23% of responses that consider that they have “high” standards or “very high” of ethics and honesty.

However, the detail about this profession stands out due to partisan preference, since only 9% of people who consider themselves Republicans consider that journalists have high standards, while this figure rises to 41% when it comes to people who assume themselves as democrats.

On the other hand, a job that 40 years ago was held in high esteem was the clergy; however, society’s perception fell to 34%, almost 50%, in 2022, after years of various sexual abuse scandals involving members of the Catholic Church.

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