Monday, September 23

3-day military diet: how to put it into practice without taking risks

Experts say that it is not healthy to lose a lot of weight in such a short time.
Experts say that it is not healthy to lose a lot of weight in such a short time.

Photo: Shutterstock / Shutterstock

Arlenys Tabare

In general, the list of New Year’s resolutions is always headed by the goal of reaching the ideal weight, after the copious meals for the festivities, the most ideal thing is to establish a plan to lose those extra pounds. The truth is that not everyone is encouraged to maintain an exercise routine, so they go to other methods that are effective and fulfill the same purpose.

The combination of a training plan is always accompanied by a good diet. There are numerous diets that have been proven to reduce sizesand an emergency diet is circulating on social networks that promises to lose weight in just three days.

This is the military diet, which restricts certain types of food and calories for 3 days a week and on the following 4 days you can eat normally. Nutritionist Clarissa Lenherr points out that “this diet focuses on a caloric intake plan and chemically compatible foods.” Therefore, it tends to generate a caloric deficit, that is, stored fat begins to be used as an energy source, causing weight loss.

But, what is the risk of this type of diet? Taking as a premise that It is not at all healthy to lose weight in such a short time, nutritional therapist Marilia Chamon explains that this caloric deficit “can cause chronic stress, hormonal imbalances and nutrient deficiencies if it is carried out for too long.”

Therefore, for this diet to be effective and health not endangered, the important thing is to stick to what is established within the regimen and not to prolong it for longer than the established timethis diet is known as “military” because to carry it out you need a lot of discipline and willpower, just like in the training and training of the army.

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