Saturday, September 21

“Mongoose Azteca”, the operation that followed in the footsteps of Ovidio Guzmán for months

Although several impact events have occurred in Mexico since the first day of 2023, without a doubt the most transcendental has been the capture of the son of Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. And it is that Ovidio Guzmán, aka “El Ratón”was not only one of the most wanted men in the United States, but also the cause of an episode that is still remembered: “The Culiacanazo”.

For this reason, re-arresting him required a military operation that lasted several months and in which authorities from Mexico and the United States worked. Today it is known that this intelligence work was carried out under the name of “Aztec Mongoose”.

Both countries not only share a border, diplomatic and commercial relations, but also problems, such as drug trafficking and migration, for this reason, on more than one occasion they have joined efforts to confront and stop the problems. This is how “Mongoose Azteca” was born, in which US intelligence personnel managed to intercept communications between members of the Sinaloa Cartel, as well as Los Chapitos or Los Menores, as the faction commanded by the sons of “El Chapo” is also known. Since August 2022, the United States Government had information about the location of Ovidio Guzmán.

It was on that date when the Mexican authorities were able to locate the movements of Ovidio Guzmán from the center of the city of Culiacán to the farm he lived on the outskirts of Jesús María, in the mountain area. But the “coup” could not take place immediately, since there was an important precedent and it was vital to avoid it, so they continued listening to the conversations and planning the capture of the man who has kept Mexico in suspense on two occasions.

deadly loyalty

Within the conversations with assassins close to Ovidio, it was heard that In addition to “El Ratón”, the capo was also referred to as “El Viejo”, and those who spoke of him also spoke of their loyalty to him, which was put to the test on January 5, 2023, when they gave their lives to prevent the leader of Los Chapitos from being captured. The balance of the arrest was 29 people dead, 10 soldiers and 19 members of the cartel.

“Can I speak to the Old Man?” Mexican and US soldiers heard over a radio frequency. The intervened communication was from Los Chapitos operators. The interlocutor adds to his request that “it is not urgent”, and receives as a response that they will speak with the “boss” to ask him if it is possible to schedule the meeting.

According to the Contralínea site, the reports made by the United States not only detail the relevant movements of the criminal organization, but also the geographic coordinates of the places from where the communications were established, the medium, the radio frequencies, the times, and other data. technicians.

The documents are contained in two email messages that were sent from the United States Embassy to the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena).. There it is indicated how it was possible to listen to the conversations between the members of the cartel (by means of airplanes equipped with technology that allowed it).

It should be noted that, in the days of listening to these conversations, they not only managed to locate Ovidio Guzmán. They also collected information on the activities of the Cartel and its structure, as well as its paramilitary and counterintelligence capabilities.

stands out the training that members of the armed arms of the Sinaloa Cartel receive from kaibile soldiersbelonging to the Guatemalan Army, who distinguished themselves by their cruelty and committing crimes against humanity.

They deny US intervention

Despite these wiretaps, The United States Government denied having participated in the capture of Ovidio Guzmánwhile Mexico assured that the arrest was achieved thanks to the work of the Mexican armed forces.

However, they clarified that the capture was made for extradition purposes, since “El Ratón” is required by US authorities.

According to the Deutsche Welle site, the importance that Ovidio Guzmán has for the United States is not because he is the leader of Los Chapitos or the Sinaloa Cartel, a position held by his brother. Ivan Archivaldobut because it is a key piece in providing information on the movements of one of the most powerful cartels in the world.

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