Friday, September 20

David Faitelson asks Cruz Azul to provide psychological help to 'Cata' Domínguez after having celebrated his son's birthday with a party alluding to 'Chapo' Guzmán

Cata Domínguez is still in the eye of the hurricane due to the controversial celebration of his son's birthday.
Cata Domínguez is still in the eye of the hurricane due to the controversial celebration of his son’s birthday.

Photo: Eloisa Sanchez / Imago7

Arnaldo Fernandez

The controversial celebration of Cata Domínguez’s son’s 12th birthday with a Chapo Guzmán-themed party continues to generate controversy and this time it was David Faitelson who spoke about it.

Through the ESPN cameras, Faitelson assured that this problem goes beyond the football issue and he attributed it to what he describes as a social decomposition that currently exists in Mexico.

He assured that the controversy of Cata Domínguez is a sign of ignorance and denotes great problems of a family that makes a celebration with an apology for crimes and events that Mexicans know are wrong.

“You cannot have a party with an apology for this situation, nor do I see Cruz Azul, much less Liga MX, with the ability to sanction the footballer“said Faitelson, who in turn assured that the important thing was to provide psychological support to Cata.

“What Cruz Azul has to do in this case as a company and with its employee is to provide him with the necessary tools, in this case a psychologist so that he can understand what is happening in the family environment of Julio César, his wife and his son.“, the communicator reiterated.

He pointed out that this is a problem that affects all Mexicans and that it is very delicate since it costs human lives. In his opinion, this is not a football issue, it is a very unfortunate issue and a product of the great social decomposition experienced in Mexico.

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