Sunday, October 6

AMLO receives Trudeau and Biden at the National Palace to start work on the North American Leaders Summit

Joe Biden, Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Justin Trudeau in an official photo at the National Palace in Mexico City.
Joe Biden, Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Justin Trudeau in an official photo at the National Palace in Mexico City.


Cesar Reyes

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, received his counterparts from the United States and Canada, Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau, respectively, at the National Palaceto start the work of the X Summit of North American Leaders.

It was after 11:30 in the morning (central Mexico time) that the Mexican president, accompanied by his wife Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, initially received Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Grégoire.

Minutes later a strong security device gave way to the entourage of Joe Biden and his wife Jill who aboard the armored vehicle known as ‘La Bestia’, toured the main streets and avenues of Mexico City to reach the Mariana gate of the National Palace where Trudeau and López Obrador were already waiting for them with their respective wives.

Upon arrival at Central Patio, adorned with the flags of Mexico, the United States and Canadathe leaders and their wives were placed to take the respective official photos that marked the beginning of the trilateral meeting.

On the agenda for this Tuesday It is expected that the leaders and their respective work teams will hold a dialogue for around more than three hours to later give a message to the media in the afternoon.

The topics they will address are: diversity, equity and inclusion; climate change and environment; competitiveness in the region and migration and development, among others.

At the end of the meetings and message to the media, President Joe Biden and his wife Jill are scheduled to head to Mexico City International Airport for their return trip to the United Stateswhile the Prime Minister of Canada and his wife will continue in Mexico to continue their activities, among which the bilateral meeting with López Obrador on Wednesday, January 10, stands out.