Friday, September 20

Biden congratulates McCarthy on his election as Speaker of the House of Representatives

Maria Ortiz

President Joe Biden issued a statement congratulating the president-elect of the House of Representatives kevin mccarthy for his victory.

Biden said: “Jill and I congratulate Kevin McCarthy on his election as Speaker of the House. As I said after the midterms, I am prepared to work with Republicans when I can, and the voters have made it clear that they expect Republicans to be prepared to work with me as well. Now that the leadership of the House of Representatives has been decided, it is time for that process to begin.”

After four days and fifteen votes, the Republican legislator from California Kevin McCarthy was elected on Saturday in the early hours of the night for the position of speaker of the Lower House, replacing the Democrat Nancy Pelosiafter the victory of his party in that hemicycle in the November elections.

McCarthy’s election was blocked in successive rounds of voting by the opposition of some twenty conservative Republicans who they forced McCarthy to negotiate with their demands to support himsuch as being able to make a motion of censure against the president of the Chamber, various positions in the rules committee, leadership in various subcommittees and having relevance within the Assignments Committee, one of the most powerful in the chamber, among others.

After hours and hours of lobbying, the most conservative Republicans have been changing the sign of their vote this Saturday, to the point that the majority of them supported McCarthy in the last round and six abstained, which allowed the now president of the Lower House to reach the required votes.

It may interest you:

– Kevin McCarthy is elected speaker of the House of Representatives after a dramatic succession of 15 votes
– Kevin McCarthy loses again and there are 14 votes in the House of Representatives
– McCarthy submitted a “written” agreement to “rogue” Republicans to endorse him as a speaker