Monday, October 7

DHS announced new measures to process immigrants seeking asylum under a Title 42 exception

The US issued new rules to guarantee immigration processes and border security.
The US issued new rules to guarantee immigration processes and border security.

Photo: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Maria Ortiz

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced in a statement Thursday that it continues to prepare for the end of the public health order of the Title 42which is currently subject to multiple court orders, and the return to prosecution of all undocumented immigrants under the Title 8 of the United States Code which codifies the statutes relating to aliens and nationality.

The new border control measures Announced Thursday by DHS are aimed at improving border security, limiting irregular immigration and create additional safe and orderly processes for people fleeing humanitarian crises can legally enter the United States and will continue to run while Title 42 is in effect and after its enforcement is suspended.

DHS enabled the app CBP One like a new mechanism for immigrants to schedule appointments to appear at ports of entryfacilitating safe and orderly arrivals, to be used initially for those seeking an exception to the Title 42 public health order.

Once the Title 42 order is no longer in effect, CBP One will be used to help ensure safe and orderly processing at ports of entry.

DHS is increasing the use of expedited removal under Title 8 for those who cannot be prosecuted under the Title 42 public health order.

These efforts include increasing staff and resources and enrolling individuals in the asylum processing interim final rule published in March 2022.

It was also announced that DHS and the Department of Justice (DOJ) they intend to publish soone a proposed regulation that, subject to public comment, will encourage the use of existing and new legal processes available in the United States and partner nations, and will set certain conditions on eligibility for asylum.

Measures to achieve safe and orderly processes at ports of entrya

To facilitate the safe and orderly arrival of immigrants seeking an exception to the Title 42 public health order, DHS is expanding the use of the free mobile app CBP One for non-citizens to schedule their arrival times at ports of entry.

People do not need to be at the border to schedule an appointment, the use of the application will prevent immigrants from having to be near the border in unsafe conditions.

Initially, this new scheduling feature will allow immigrants to schedule a time and place to come to a port of entry to request an exception to the Title 42 public health order for humanitarian reasons based on an individualized vulnerability assessment.

Y replace current process for those seeking exceptions to Title 42which requires immigrants to apply through third-party organizations located near the border.

Once the Title 42 public health order is no longer in effect, this scheduling mechanism will be available for immigrants, including those who intend to submit applications for asylum, schedule a time to appear at a port of entry for inspection and processing, rather than arriving unannounced at a port of entry or attempting to cross between ports of entry.

Those who use this process will generally be entitled to work authorization during their period of authorized stay in the United States, DHS reported.

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