Friday, September 27

Alarm in Tigers! André-Pierre Gignac receives a blow to the head that leaves him in poor condition and vomiting

André-pierre Gignac during the second leg of the Quarterfinals of the Apertura 2022 tournament.
André-pierre Gignac during the second leg of the Quarterfinals of the Apertura 2022 tournament.

Photo: Rafael Vadillo / Imago7

Arnaldo Fernandez

The legendary French forward of Tigres, André-Pierre Gignac, set off the alarms this Tuesday after receiving a ball that left him in poor condition and caused him to vomit. The event occurred in a match corresponding to the Cup for Mexico, and in which he entered in the second half and with only a minute left to finish the game he received the unfortunate blow.

The blow received by Gignac came after a strong clearance by Félix Torres in midfield and in which the ball would hit the French striker squarely on the neck and would leave him lying on the grass for several minutes.

After the blow received, Gignac received immediate attention from the medical staff, however, and despite the fact that he was able to stand up, the Frenchman was somewhat disoriented by the impacthe was able to reach the bench but he looked a little stunned.

At the end of the match, the DT, Diego Cocca and the team’s medical staff stayed with the footballer until he recovered and was taken to the hospital. to carry out a medical check-up as a precaution due to the strong impact.

Gignac status update by Diego Cocca

At the subsequent press conference, Diego Cocca confirmed that André-Pierre Gignac was taken to the hospital as a precaution and due to the strong impact he suffered on the headwhich is why they hope to rule out any eventuality and hope that everything has been nothing more than a scare.

“He went to have a study as a precaution, it was hit by a ball and on the bench he felt like vomiting. He worried us all and we have to wait for the studies, we have the expectation that it is nothing, and just a scareCoca said.

Everything remains to be expected and it will be in the next few hours that the state of health of Tigres’ all-time scorer, André-Pierre Gignac, will be known after this mishap in a match that ended tied at one goal between Tigres and Santos Laguna.

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