Tuesday, September 24

They discover close to a ton of cocaine floating off the coast of Chiapas

The drug had been packaged in 46 packages, within which there were 920 brick-like packages.
The drug had been packaged in 46 packages, within which there were 920 brick-like packages.

Photo: Secretary of the Navy / Courtesy

The opinion

For: The opinion Updated Dec 27, 2022, 1:24 pm EST

Elements of the Secretariat of the Navy of Mexico (Semar) seized around a ton of cocaine, which was floating adrift in the waters of the Mexican Pacific off the coast of Chiapas.

According to the agency, the drug had been packaged in 46 packages, including 920 brick-like packages, and to confiscate it, units were deployed by sea, air and land.

It is unknown if the cargo was thrown into the sea to avoid the seizure of the boat that was transporting it, or to be picked up by boats to take it ashore.

In this regard, the Navy reported that these actions are part of the surveillance operations carried out by the naval institution, within the framework of the “Operation at Sea” to inhibit the activities of criminal groups.


Elements of the @SEMAR_mx, seized 46 packages with 920 brick-type packages inside, with an approximate weight of one thousand kg of #cocaine hydrochloride, which was floating adrift in the waters of the Mexican Pacific, off the coast of #Chiapas. pic.twitter.com/Rahf31Smoj

– Aztec Information Force (@AztecaNoticias) December 26, 2022

“This action is the result of field and cabinet work, and the coordinated use of the different surface, air, and land units that this Institution has,” the agency shared in a statement.

The drug was made available to the Attorney General of the Republic, to carry out the corresponding investigation that allows identify to which criminal group this millionaire shipment belonged.

This seizure is in addition to the one carried out a few days ago by personnel from the Sixteenth Naval Region off the coast of Chiapas, where a semi-submersible, speedboats, 873 kilograms of cocaine hydrochloride were seized and seven people were arrested.

Likewise, last October members of the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena), they intercepted an aircraft loaded with cocaine in Chiapas. A group of subjects were waiting for the delivery of the drug, but upon noticing the presence of the authorities, they abandoned the shipment and fled. In total, 340 kilograms of cocaine were seized without any arrests being made.

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– The military secures more than half a ton of cocaine in Chiapas.
– Hard blow to the narco: Mexican Army seized plane with 340 kilos of cocaine in Chiapas.