Friday, September 20

“Shoot at the tires”: They record a strong shooting between the military and hitmen in the streets of Nuevo Laredo

The images began to circulate on social networks and quickly went viral.
The images began to circulate on social networks and quickly went viral.

Photo: Twitter/@niporwifi / Courtesy

The opinion

For: The opinion

The violence that permeates Mexico, especially in the state of Tamaulipas, does not let up even during the holidays, as revealed by a strong confrontation in the city of Nuevo Laredo.

The armed clash between a military convoy and hitmen aboard several trucks was recorded by a camera installed in a unit of the Mexican Army, and In the images you can see the rain of bullets in broad daylight.

It all started when two trucks with soldiers on board patrolled the streets of Nuevo Laredo. Suddenly, when one of the vehicles moved ahead, the second unit was at the mercy of the gunmen, who began shooting incessantly.

Immediately the military elements took refuge in the back of their truck and repelled the attack. In the video you can see several units moving at high speed, in which, apparently, the hit men were traveling.

Ambush of the Northeast Cartel to the Mexican military in Nuevo Laredo (Tamaulipas 🇲🇽). The video is probably from this week because there were clashes, but similar events have been recorded several times this month.

— Niporwifi © (@niporwifi) December 25, 2022

The images began to circulate on social networks and quickly went viral. Some users and internet sites even reported that the armed clash was between soldiers and members of the Northeast Cartelwhose base of operations is precisely the state of Tamaulipas.

In the video you can see the impact of the bullets just one meter from where the members of the army were sheltering. In one part of the clip one of the soldiers shouts: “Shoot at the tires”.

So far the authorities have not referred to this violent act, so it is not known if there were people injured or killed by either side.

What is known is that the state of Tamaulipas, where the Northeast Cartel and the Gulf Cartel dispute territorycontinues as one of the most dangerous regions of Mexico, where not even the soldiers are spared from this wave of violence.

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