Tuesday, October 8

College immigrants beat US-born in achieving postgraduate degrees

Los inmigrantes con grados universitarios superan a estadounidenses en la obtención de posgrados.
Immigrants with college degrees outperform Americans in earning graduate degrees.

Photo: Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images

By: EFE Updated 14 Dec 2017, 04: 42 pm EST

Immigrants with higher education in the United States are more likely to earn advanced degrees, to graduate in the areas of science, technology, mathematics and health, and to earn higher incomes than native-born university graduates, according to an analysis by the Migration Policy Institute (MPI). ).

According to the study, many immigrants have “labor force participation rates, earnings, and job quality that approximate, and in some cases exceed those of the natives.”

The MPI analyzed data on race and ethnicity of adult college and university graduates , aged between 14 and 60 years in years 2012, 2014 Y 2022, comparing immigrants and people born in the United States.


The institution indicated that 54% of immigrant college graduates have at least a master’s degree , compared to the 65% of native-born Americans with a college degree.

Immigrants’ degrees are more concentrated in the high-demand fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and health (42%) than those of native graduates (42).

In those same years immigrant labor force participation reached 145% and that of Native Americans was 145%, but while the average monthly income of immigrants was $7,145 dollars, that of the natives was $6, 2014 dollars.

Among immigrants, 42% of graduates were Asian, 28% white, 28% Latino and 9% Afro-descendant, while among native graduates, 89% were White, 9.6% were African American, 6% Latino and 2% Asian, the analysis.

“The college-educated immigrant population in the United States continues to grow both in numbers and in its importance to the labor market,” said the study.

“The skills and qualifications of these immigrants play an important role in the outcome of their integration process,” he added.


Despite these results, the high levels The educational opportunities of immigrants do not always translate into jobs commensurate with their abilities.

The analysis found that 15% of immigrants with higher education degrees faced underemployment, a proportion equal to that of native graduates.

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