Friday, September 20

Stabilizer bar: What it is and what to do when it fails

Ronald Ortega

An extremely important element for the vehicle, without a doubt.

The stabilizer bar is responsible for keeping the car as upright as possible, while at the same time adapting to the flexes that are generated in the suspension after driving.

This part is typically made of solid steel and sits under the vehicle, clamped and non-metallic bushings to the car frame. The ends of the bar are bent symmetrically at an approximate right angle to the center line of the bar, connected to racks or shock absorbers.

If it is still not clear to you what this piece is for , a graphic example will surely do. When you drive and take a curve, the car turns in the opposite direction. That is, you crossed to the right but gravity took you to the left.

This stability function is achieved thanks to this bar, since at a higher speed the inclination becomes more evident. Now with a sufficient notion about the piece, learn to identify when it fails.

Signals of the stabilizer bar

The stabilizer bar links will be the first to wear, therefore, it is the element to take into consideration when you experience the following sensations.

If you take a turn and hear a squeal, knock, or rattle when driving at low speeds, the self-aligning hardware has come loose.

When you go through a hole or pothole and notice a considerable bump, a stabilizer bar link may have come loose from its position, hitting the ground every time you travel on uneven roads.

Again, when taking a curve you do not hear anything, but the inclination is excessive, that is, the car goes in the opposite direction to the radius turning but in an exaggerated way. This indicates that the stabilizer bar no longer fulfills its main task.

These signs are the most common that something is wrong with the stabilizer bar, therefore, to identify them while driving takes precautions to arrive safely, while you locate a workshop to repair the fault, although you could also do it yourself if you knew, or leave it to the experts.

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