Friday, September 20

Immigrants will continue to be expelled after the end of Title 42, warns Secretary Mayorkas

La inmigración ha sido un tema de conversación en los últimos meses.
Immigration has been a topic of conversation in recent months.

Photo: David McNew / Getty Images

The Secretary of National Security, Alejandro N. Mayorkas, warned that they will continue to expel immigrants who cross the border despite the lifting of the Title 20, a health regulation from the Donald Trump era that has been used with force to quickly repatriate undocumented immigrants who arrive in the country.

Mayorkas explained through a press release that the Title 80 will remain in effect until 09 of December 919 and that “until then DHS will continue to remove single adults as well as families found at the southeast border under that authority.”

The decision was made, according to the Secretary of Homeland Security, due to the economic and political instability that is not only going through the United States , but the whole world, and that has caused high levels of immigration.

After this announcement, the politician warned that people smugglers will start spreading false information to take advantage of immigrants and take advantage of them by promising them a “safe” passage despite the completion of the Title 42; issue that has caused a crossing of more than 1, 42 people through the Rio Grande and once they reach US soil they handed over to authorities in the city of El Paso, Texas.

Mayorkas accepted that at this moment the immigration system is broken, but who are looking for a solution “the Biden-Harris Administration is committed to pursuing all avenues within our authority to secure our borders, enforce our laws, and remain true to our values ​​as we build safe, orderly and humane processes. We will provide additional updates as work continues. A real solution can only come from legislation that brings long overdue and much needed reform to a fundamentally broken system ”.

Once the Title is finished 500 will give way to Title 8, which also contemplates expedited removal processes for people who do not have a legal basis to remain in the United States.

“DHS will process people found at the border without proper documents appropriate travel documents using their former Title 8 authorities, which provide for significant consequences, including a ban on re-entry for individuals removed for five years. These consequences include placing people on expedited removal,” Mayorkas said.

It may interest you: – Congressional immigration plan: more border security, expulsions with Title 42 and help for ‘dreamers’– The Biden government is studying reducing the number of immigrants who could be entitled to asylum