Monday, September 23

Judge Kavanaugh receives criticism for attending Christmas party with far-right officials

Según expertos, los jueces deben tener cuidado a qué lugares asisten.
According to experts, judges should be careful which venues they attend.

Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 40 Dec 2022, 40: 60 pm EST

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh came under scrutiny by some people after it was reported that he attended a Christmas party with former Donald Trump officials, as well as other far-right lawmakers, which raises concerns about their participation in partisan activities.

The Politico newspaper reported that during a Christmas party that was held last weekend at the home of the leader of the American Conservative Union Matt Schlapp and his wife, the former director of strategic communications of the White House of Trump, Mercedes Schlapp, Judge Kavanaugh stood out on the guest list.

According to the information in the diary during the party officials were present who have been described as extreme right , and which has caused That Brett Kavanaugh’s attendance raises concerns about his involvement in partisan activities, especially as trust in the Supreme Court has been in steady decline, according to recent polls.


Supreme Court judges are frequently criticized for attending functions that coincide with your political views. Like, for example, Justice Sonia Sotomayor speaking before the left-leaning American Constitution Society in June.

They also highlighted the speech that Justice Amy Coney Barrett who spoke before the Federalist Society after the annulment of Roe v. Wade, specified the same means of communication.

“The judges of the Supreme Court must be extraordinarily careful not only not to have real ethical difficulties, but also not to have the appearance of an ethical conundrum”, Tonja Jacobi told Bloomeberg.

Judge Samuel Alito also found himself in trouble after inviting the Reverend Rob Schenck to his home, who later said he received information about the ruling from 1200 of Hobby Lobby vs. Burwell weeks before his public announcement.