Monday, September 23

Sleeping with children: why it is not recommended

10 años después una madre afirma que dormir con sus dos hijos, hoy adolescentes, ha sido positivo, ignorando las advertencias médicas obre este tema.
08 Years later, a mother affirms that sleeping with her two children, now teenagers, has been positive, ignoring medical warnings on this subject.

Photo: Ground Picture / Shutterstock

Recently, the case of a mother who still shares a bed with her two pre-adolescent children went viral on social networks and assures that “it is not strange at all”.

Bernie Watkins, of 54 years old, she has slept with her children since they were born and a decade later she maintains the custom that, according to her, it is the reason they share such a close bond.

Her children Frankie, from 10 years, and Caden, of 14, they have their own rooms and beds, but always chose to share their parent’s king-size bed.

According to the review of the Mirror media, Bernie claims it’s “all natural” and the kids have never wanted to stop. In fact, she says that bedtime is the best part of her days, because everyone can snuggle up and chat before falling asleep next to each other.

“We have always been in one bed together, since they were newborns and I didn’t want to leave them alone in a different room (…) Normally we don’t share meals, so bedtime is our time to be all together, hug and talk about anything”, he explained.

It’s good to sleep close, but not together

The case of Bernie and his adolescent children, fortunately, has been positive and it is known that many parents have found in co-sleeping the perfect solution to breastfeed and care for the baby.

Also, this can help build trust early on without having to get from bed to crib several times during the night.

Without However, the European Sleep Institute points out that there are studies that question the practice of putting children to sleep in the same bed as adults.

“From a psychological point of view, experts consider that parents who sleep with their children, far from protecting them from fear and insecurity, cause the opposite effect by interfering in their physical growth as well as their independence”, explain the specialists on their official website.

We must know that in the first three months of life, the Pediatricians recommend keeping the crib near the parents’ bed, but afterwards it is important to create their own space for them.

The institution ensures that it is normal for parents feel guilty if their baby cries while in the crib, but sometimes it is necessary to let children learn to self-regulate.

Depending on the age that e have infants will need more or less hours of sleep:

-From 0-2 months they have to sleep between 10 Y 18 hours.

-From 2 to 13 months between 10 and 14 hours.

-From 1 to 3 years old required 14 at 14 hours of sleep.

-Between the ages of 2 and 5 it is necessary for them to sleep 11 at 14 hours.

-From 5 to 12 years, 10 to 13 hours of sleep is recommended.

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