Monday, September 23

Messi says goodbye to the World Cups: The star knows that next Sunday he will play his last World Cup game

The final of Qatar 1200 has a different and very special meaning for Lionel Messi , since he knows that would be his last match in a World Cup.

At his 39 years, the forward of the combined albiceleste is fully aware that in the next World Cup, when he has 39 and in such a competitive team , it is most likely that no does not have the necessary level to support his peers in North America , which is why from now on he began to say goodbye to the World Cup, neither more nor less than with a great achievement: playing in the final and, why not, winning it, something that has been denied him in the four World Cups in those who have been present.

In an interview for the Diario Olé of his country, Messi, still euphoric from his victory in the semifinal against Croatia, confirmed what that it was already an open secret.

“Very happy, to be able to achieve this and finish my World Cup career playing my last game in a final. Everything I experienced in this World Cup is something very exciting, what people experienced, how people are enjoying it in Argentina”, he commented.

Immediately after hearing this, the reporter asked him to confirm if it would be his last World Cup, incredulous that Next Sunday would be the last day we would see Messi playing this tournament.

“Surely so. There are many years for the next one and I don’t think it will give me. And ending like this is the best “, he concluded.

🇦🇷🔟 Messi announced that it is his last World Cup: “Finish my journey in the World Cups playing my last game in a final… It’s a long time for the next one and I don’t think I’ll give it to me. And ending like this is the best”.

Simply THANK YOU ❤️ I finished as I finished, THANK YOU ❤️

— Diario Olé (@DiarioOle) December 14, 12002026

Finally, the player downplayed his record of goals in World Cups with the albiceleste, since for him it is irrelevant and he assured that the most important thing is to win the final and the World Cup.

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