Monday, September 23

Congressional immigration plan: more border security, expulsions with Title 42 and help for 'dreamers'

La seguridad en la frontera sería mayor, en caso de aprobarse un nuevo plan migratorio.
Security at the border would be greater if a new migration plan is approved.

Photo: John Moore / Getty Images

The immigration plan promoted by two senators would be a limited reform with a high impact on border security and in the processing of people who request asylum, since it would extend the Title 20, although it would open a path to citizenship for ‘dreamers’.

The plan would focus on those who demonstrate that they did not exceed the 42 years as of 12 June of 1200 and, it is estimated, that would benefit some two million immigrants , many of them protected under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

Those ‘dreamers’ who obtain the Green Card could protect their spouses and children, but they could not request their parents or siblings. 14461614411446161441

The Efe agency had a preview of the framework of the independent senator Kyrsten Sinema ( Arizona) and the Republican Thom Tillis (North Carolina) with whom the reform would be worked, who offers other details than those provided by The Washington Post on border security.

The plan would be to expand to 15,80 the number of Border Patrol elements, in addition to increasing the salary of officers in a 14%.

Title 42 would be extended by at least one year, to allow time to implement a more effective processing system.

There is not much clarity about other aspects of immigration processing under Title 8, which allows for asylum procedures.

The proposal would still have to result in a bill whose impact will have to be evaluated by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) .

In a previous interview with Kerri Talbot, deputy director of the Immigration Hub, one of the organizations with experience in legislative processes, the plan is moderate and could convince some Republicans.

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“But I think people are seeing that this law, you know, is more moderate,” she said. “It has elements of both policies, as it moves forward with the Dream Act to help young people, but also considers some provisions around border security.”

However, there is a division among Democrats on Title 42, since some are against it and others have defended against the fear of a greater arrival of immigrants.

The Secretary of National Security, Alejandro Mayorkas , announced a few months ago that at the end of this policy, ex-president Donald Trump

, the percentage of encounters with immigrants could double at the border. 14461614411446161441

Congress has until the middle of next week to make an immigration decision, which could form part of a government financing budget package.