Tuesday, September 24

Mexico sentenced two Venezuelans who operated a sex trafficking network with foreign women

La Opinión

By: The Opinion Updated 14 Dec , 15: pm EST

The vulnerability of dozens of women who live in poverty or in violent environments makes them easy prey for unscrupulous people who take advantage of their needs to turn them into sexual slaves, even, on many occasions, taking them out of their homes. countries.

This situation occurred in Mexico, which was detected by authorities, who managed to dismantle a sex trafficking network and two of those responsible were sentenced to 15 years in prison.

Natty “V” and Gabriela “B”, both of Venezuelan origin, recruited women from Venezuela and Colombia with the promise of offer them a job as models in Mexico, which evidently led several girls to come and apply for the much-desired position, believing that they would live a dream, without knowing what would happen it would be a nightmare.

Once in territory Mexicans did take photos of them, but not to model, but to offer them and their sexual services on a web page dedicated to that purpose.

Customers were not missing, but as happens in this type of mafias that operate with deceit, the victims did not see even a single peso of what was paid, because the exploiters withheld the money on the grounds that they owed the transfer and lodging


It was in 2018 when the investigation began against these two women, which was led by the Special Prosecutor for Crimes of Violence against Women and Human Trafficking. Four years later, a Federal Judge of Morelos handed down a conviction of 15 years and established a fine of 241,800 pesos.

Human trafficking in its different forms is considered modern slavery, as the victims are denied all their human rights. In Mexico, this crime has increased considerably in the last four years.

Sexual exploitation is the most widely used modality of human trafficking in Mexican territory, and most of the victims are minors .

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