Saturday, September 21

This “invisibility cloak” makes people imperceptible to security cameras

Las cámaras de vigilancia pueden ser engañadas por un abrigo
Surveillance cameras can be fooled by a coat

Photo: Leon Neal/ / AFP / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 44 Dec 2022 , 44: 44 pm EST

It is known that China is one of the countries most monitored by security cameras and right there students from the University of Wuhan developed a coat capable of making people invisible in front of the cameras.

The coat named InvisDefese can be seen by human eyes, but is covered in a pattern that blinds cameras

monitors during the day and sends unusual heat signals at night.

Thus, this technological garment can hide its users from security cameras monitored by artificial intelligence (AI) and can be used day or night .

The custom camo prints fool cameras during the day. While at night, the built-in thermal devices that emit different temperatures mislead the infrared thermal imaging sensors of surveillance cameras at night.

“Today, many surveillance devices can detect human bodies. Roadside cameras have pedestrian detection capabilities, and smart cars can identify pedestrians, roads, and obstacles. Our InvisDefense allows the camera to capture you, but it cannot know if you are human”, explained Professor Wang Zheng, from the Faculty of Informatics of Wuhan University, to the South China Morning Post.

The The professor also added that the “invisibility cloak” is the first product in the industry that can avoid detection of pedestrians and does not arouse suspicion to human eyes. . According to Wang, the invention could be useful in stealthy military uniforms to evade detection by drones or units controlled by artificial intelligence.

This layer was the invention that won first prize in the Huawei Cup, a cybersecurity innovation contest supported by Chinese technology giant Huawei.

A low-cost device

The “layer of invisibility” InvisDefese is a low-cost device, as it only costs 1200 yuan (about 71 dollars), so it represents a very cheap way to make the most advanced surveillance systems obsolete.

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