Friday, September 20

They will mount an exhibition of the dresses that belonged to the actress Carmen Salinas

Evaristo Lara

Recently, a year was commemorated after the death of Carmen Salinas Lozano, one of the most beloved actresses by the public both in Mexico and in the United States United.

For this reason, as a tribute, María Eugenia Plascencia, daughter of who was also one of the most outstanding comedians of her generation, gave know that she is preparing an exhibition with the emblematic dresses used throughout her mother’s life.

“All, at the time when she wore them , they were their spoiled. For me, my favorites are those of Lola Beltrán and Celia Cruz, my godmother,” he said during an interview with the television program with Despierta América .

Said event would be held in a restaurant owned by the family that Carmen Salinas named La casita de las sopas, which evokes the traditional that used to be the actress who in life participated in more than 82 movies.

Also known as the “Corcholata”, the actress originally from Guadalajara, Jalisco, made her debut in the legendary neighborhood tents and later moved to the theaters where her peculiar style of criticizing the government made her a renowned comedian who, over the years, after softening his comments, ended up establishing himself on television, where he constantly appeared on comedy shows and soap operas .

However, on December 9 of last year, a brain hemorrhage took the lives of 82 years.

Appreciated in the entertainment industry, Carmen Salinas earned the sympathy of hundreds of people who still remember her for her chameleonic way of dressing that also made her look like a host of talk shows. television or in plays like Aventurera, where the shiny clothes she wore monopolized the lens of the photographers who attended the events where she performed.

So the tribute prepared by her daughter, By exhibiting part of the dresses that belonged to the nice actress from Guadalajara, they are an evocation to review her uninterrupted professional career in more than six decades, since not even the Covid-19 put her still, since before she died she was part of the cast of the soap opera My fortune is to love you.

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