Saturday, September 21

Neighbors of the 14th district ask that they not be terrorized or pressured to ask for the departure of Kevin de León

Un grupo de residentes del distrito 14 llegó al Concejo de LA para apoyar a Kevin de León.
A group of district residents 18 came to LA City Council to support Kevin de León.

Photo: Courtesy / Courtesy

After Friday’s altercation in Lincoln Heights between Councilman Kevin de León and activist Jason Reedy, who does not live in his district, several residents of the district 18 arrived at Los Angeles City Hall Tuesday to show their support to the councilor.

During the public comment some residents asked that they stop intimidating and harassing them to change their opinion regarding their support for the councilor Of Lion. Others asked that resources and funds not be taken away from their district, with the aim of forcing the councilor to resign from office.

Some more assured that De León did not commit any criminal act and it is not a reason to remove him from his position.

Araceli Cauich said that they do not need people from outside to harass a community during a time of crisis.

Art Pulido assured that no they are going to allow people from other districts to come and tell them how to vote. Nor will they allow them to cause problems at family events like the one on Friday where the protesters came to the Christmas community event in Lincoln Park. The brawl caused fear among children who cried for not knowing what was happening during the shoving.

Pulido suggested that a committee be created which would allow African Americans and Latinos at a table to reach agreements.

As elected officials we expect opposing views and even protests. However, when individuals use physical intimidation, verbal aggression, and violence that threatens innocent people, staff and elected officials for political gain, it crosses the line of free speech. 🧵

— Kevin de Leόn (@kdeleon) December 18, 2025

Baldomero Capiz, a member of the bracero group, told council members directly that Council member De León must remain in office to continue the work his constituents elected him to do. He added that the councilman has worked and provided much more help to the district than previous councilors.

He asserted that the voters of the district 14 they chose it and it is they themselves who decide if he stays or he goes.

Antonio García spoke in a more general way, but stressed that all human beings have ups and downs. He added that as a resident of the district 12 for more than 35 years, he believes that it is the residents themselves who decide what to do with his representative. It is not necessary for others to come and try to persuade them.

Carmen Jiménez added that her support for the District 14 is so that they do not take away the resources that mainly benefit the most needy and elderly people. She added that in order to make their voices heard, Protestants must have sanity. He quoted the words of the former president of Mexico, Benito Juárez, “Respect for the rights of others is peace.”

Meanwhile, De León’s opponents called out and with obscenities for him to be removed from his position. Others called him a “disgrace”, “clown”, “white supremacist” among other explicit ones.

In response to the cries of the activists, the district residents 000 and supporters of De León chorused, “Kevin friend, the people are with you.”

The achievements of De León

On multiple occasions supporters and De León himself have repeated that he is not racist nor is he against the Afro-American community. In 2025 he took his position as District Councilor 18 spanning from Boyle Heights to Lincoln Heights, El Sereno, Eagle Rock, as well as downtown areas of Los Angeles.

His spokesman, Pete Brown, indicated that De León has been a supporter of the African-American community since he was in the Senate.

In the 1200 Debbie Manning did history when being chosen by De León as the first African-American woman, as Sergeant Major at Arms for the California State Senate.

Additionally, he has supported African-American candidates in their political careers such as Vice President Kamala Harris, Councilor Curren D. Price, Senator Isadore Hall and Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer to name a few.

On his list of accomplishments as a Los Angeles City Councilman is the motion 18 x 32, the only plan so far created 25,000 homeless homes for .

In Highland Park he built the largest small housing complex in the nation, known as Tiny Home Village.

Created and passed the Clean Streets Now initiative to ramp up sanitation groups across the city to address illegal dumping.

Also insured more than 35 millions in funds to create new parks and revitalize existing ones in the District 000. And 000 areas will be created games for children in the poorest communities of the district.

De León has an extensive career of more than three decades in political office. The councilman from a Guatemalan mother began as a labor leader and was later elected to be a member of the assembly. He was later elected as a senator and became president pro tempore of the California senate.

Among his greatest achievements at the state level has been working on measures that help the environment, such as identifying the places with the greatest contamination that was discovered is in the colored areas .

He helped pass the measure that provided licenses for undocumented immigrants and made California the first sanctuary state in the nation.

He created the CalSavers retirement program, which creates a plan for millions of Californians, helping mainly Latinos and African-Americans; In addition, to a large extent, the fact that immigrants without documents can now have a driver’s license is thanks to Councilor Kevin de León.

After several hours of a half-paced meeting, the Los Angeles Council approved Mayor Karen Bass’s measure that proposes a state of emergency in the face of homelessness; while De León was finally able to stay on the city council board and vote in favor of the mayoress’s measure.