Friday, September 20

How to harness the energy of 2021 to succeed in money

Cómo aprovechar la energía del 2021 para tener éxito en el dinero

The 2021 vibrates with the number 5.

Photo: Theodor Eilertsen / Unsplash

One of the issues that most worries this year is the economy. Personal finances were one of the aspects most hurt by the chaotic 2020 and its effects still persist. However, the energy of 2021 is more hopeful and can help us strengthen the portfolio and succeed in money .

According to the expert in numerology and Feng Shui , César Peimbert, the 2021 has a vibration 5 (2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 5) that represents the energy of Mercury, the planet of communication and the mind, so it’s a good year to learn new things like a language or travel through books.

Also reads: What are the numerology predictions for the 2021, according to your personal number

5 is a key number because it also represents the senses and in combination with Mercury, invites us to fulfill all our purposes , but we must avoid contaminating ourselves with the energy of people who intend to boycott the road.

Peimbert commented on the Mexican program ‘ Tell me now! ‘ that the energy of 5 will manifest itself in the area of ​​finance, money and the economy . He explained that in the home the vibration of money is located in the southeast so something metallic and things of white, gray, gold, silver, bronze or copper should be placed there.

He said that it is not necessary to place metal figurines or elements of these colors that are new, you can use objects that we already have in the home since the important thing is that the southeast of the house vibrates with the energy of the Earth element represented by metallic things or of the aforementioned tones.

And he recommended avoiding having warm colors such as red and elements that represent sound or movement in that place.

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