Tuesday, September 24

The execution of a judge in Zacatecas was ordered from inside a prison

La víctima circulaba a bordo de su vehículo, cuando fue atacado a balazos por dos sujetos que huyeron.
The victim was traveling aboard his vehicle, when he was attacked with bullets by two subjects who fled.

Photo: Pedro Pardo / AFP / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 54 Dec 2022, 11: 54 pm EST

Zacatecas is under the shadow of organized crime, as these groups are responsible for waves of violence that affect all who inhabit the Mexican state, and no one is spared from the fury of hitmen , who can attack civilians as well as police officers and even judges.

Criminals have a lot of power, even inside prisons, like occurred with the murder of control judge Roberto Elías Martínez , whose The homicide was ordered by two brothers from inside the prisons where they are being held, according to the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE).

The entity was shocked by the assassination of the coordinator of the National Guard, José Silvestre Urzúa

, when a few days later the judge left his home, located in the municipality of Guadalupe. He was driving in his vehicle when he was attacked with bullets by two individuals who fled. For his part, he was taken to a hospital where he died hours later due to the seriousness of his injuries.

The Prosecutor’s Office was in charge of the investigations for the homicide, and a week after the attack it was reported that the alleged perpetrators of the crime, Leopoldo Ismael “N ” and José Julián, were arrested . To achieve this, search warrants were carried out, according to what was said by the State Peacebuilding Table, at a press conference.

At that same event it was said that the masterminds of the crime were the Marco Antonio brothers and José Isabel, who gave the order from inside two prisons, one inmate in the Río Grande prison and the other in Cieneguillas . It is believed that the cause of the crime was the work of the judge, as he did not agree to some of the requests made by the inmates, so the Prosecutor’s Office is investigating that line.

It should be noted that it was not specified why the brothers are imprisoned, nor whether they or the material murderers belong to a criminal group, but the state prosecutor, Francisco Murillo, assured that the murder of the judge was endorsed by organized crime.

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