Monday, October 21

Taylor Swift to direct a feature film to be produced by Searchlight Pictures

After obtaining good reviews as the author of several of her music videos, the singer Taylor Swift will now debut as a feature film director, with a film written by herself, but whose plot is not yet known

Taylor Swift will direct a film that will have a script written by herself.

Photo: Dave J Hogan for MTV / Getty Images

Taylor Swift He has directed several video clips of his songs, obtaining good reviews and even awards MTV . Now one of his next projects is a feature film that is still untitled to be produced by Searchlight Pictures and whose script was written by the company itself. singer.

The plot of the tape is not yet known, but in the coming days more details of the production will be given. In a statement David Greenbaum and Matthew Greenfield, of Searchlight, commented: “Taylor is a once-in-a-generation artist and storyteller. It is a true joy and privilege to collaborate with her as she embarks on this exciting new creative journey.”

As a director Taylor has been praised this year for the video clip for 10 minutes “All too well”; she is currently promoting it for an Oscar nomination

next year, in the Best Short Film category.

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