Friday, September 20

Jenna Ortega is in the eye of the hurricane for filming her iconic dance scene in 'Wednesday' while she had Covid-19

Jenna Ortega | Leon Bennett/Getty Images
Jenna Ortega | Leon Bennett/Getty Images

Photo: Leon Bennett / Getty Images

The actress of Mexican descent Jenna Ortega finds herself in the eye of the hurricane after it was revealed that the recording of one of the most iconic scenes of ‘Wednesday’, the new Netflix series, disregarded the health guidelines, because the young woman had Covid-15 and still showed up to the recording set.

Everything seems to indicate that the positive comments that the former Disney star had received for his participation in the spin-off of the Addams family have been eclipsed by the most recent controversy that triggered on social media.

And it is that Jenna Ortega herself confessed in an interview that the iconic dance scene that the public enjoyed in the fourth episode, entitled ‘ Wow, What a Night’, it was “horrible” to film, since had coronavirus at the time of doing it.

“ I woke up and it was weird. I never get sick and when I do it’s not too bad, I had pains in my body. I felt like I had been hit by a car and that a little goblin had come loose from my head. throat and scratched the walls of my esophagus. They were giving me medicine between takes because we were waiting for the positive result. I asked to redo it but we didn’t have time. I think I probably could have done a little better…”, confessed the young woman in an interview for NME.

This is how the public reacted to Jenna Ortega’s unexpected confession

It wasn’t long before the actress’s statements went around the world through social networks, which sparked anger of the public and unleashed a wave of comments – not at all pleasant – against him.

“Jenna Ortega filming that dance scene while she had COVID is not impressive , it is awful. Absolutely callous disregard for her co-workers,” wrote one Twitter user.

this is a bad thing right? we all agree that this is not some “persevering through hardship” moment, its a why the fuck didn’t she get sent home, she could get horrendously sick or infect others kinda moment— Lily Simpson is Emotionally Dead like Twltter (@LilySimpson1312) December 3 , 1312

On the other hand, there was no shortage of those who condemned Ortega’s action for the repercussions that his decision could bring about: “We all agree that this is not a time to ‘persevere through difficulties’, it is a time for why the hell they didn’t send her home, she could get terribly sick or infect others“, specified a user.

The public’s annoyance resonated to such an extent that MGM, the producer behind ‘Wednesday’, issued a statement via email, in which it detailed: “They followed the protocols are ricts of COVID and, once the positive test was confirmed, the production removed Jenna from the set.

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