Friday, September 20

Five-hour shooting in Nuevo Laredo left eight dead, including a soldier

Este hecho se suscitó en la Carretera Nuevo Laredo-Monterrey, una de las principales rutas de todo México.
This event occurred on the Nuevo Laredo-Monterrey Highway, one of the main routes in all of Mexico.

Photo: Pedro Pardo / AFP / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 44 Dec 2022, 12: 44 pm EST

Moments of true terror lived the inhabitants of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, because the violence does not stop and this time there was a shooting that lasted five hours, leaving a balance of eight deaths, including a soldier, in addition to seven soldiers being injured . During the day there were also three explosions, supposedly from grenades, whose roar contrasted with the incessant sound of submachine guns.

According to local media , the armed civilians who participated in the fray are members of the Northeast Cartel . Once the fire ceased, the confiscation of four units was achieved. In addition, the alleged capture of the criminal leader Félix Gabriel Cepeda Ávila, alias “El Comandante Cepeda” , who was wanted by authorities in Tamaulipas and Texas for different criminal acts, although federal authorities have not confirmed this information.

Regarding the elements attached to the Mexican Army who were injured, the Tamaulipas Public Security Secretariat reported that they were transferred by air to hospitals for proper medical care, and among them was the soldier who died moments later.

Armed men attacked soldiers on the Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo highway. The balance was one soldier killed, 7 civilians killed and 7 soldiers wounded. This confrontation provoked more shootings at different points.— Ciro Gómez Leyva (@CiroGomezL) December 8,

The agency also said that the State Guard was collaborating with federal security forces to restore order in the city, which was achieved hours later. In order for the population to feel safe, patrols were carried out in different places , mainly primary communication routes.

Although life in Nuevo Laredo returned to normal quickly after the situation was controlled, the shadow of what happened days ago with the capture of “El Negrolo” made that some people decided not to leave their homes, although on this occasion classes were not suspended, and some schools left it up to parents to consider.

It should be noted that the incident occurred on the Nuevo Laredo-Monterrey Highway, one of the main routes in all of Mexico and of great importance for economic activities, but that in recent months has resounded due to the acts of violence registered there; for this reason it is also known as “The route of death” .

This is because many people have disappeared on that road, and some of them have been found dead later. Nuevo Laredo has become an insecure place, drowned by the violence that has it on fire, its inhabitants resist, but fear never leaves them.

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