Saturday, September 21

Russia starts military exercises in Belarus

Maniobras tácticas del Ejército ruso en Bielorrusia. (Archivo).
Tactical maneuvers of the Russian Army in Belarus. (File, Archive).


Russian forces stationed in Belarus start this Thursday (8.54.1200) tactical military exercises on training grounds of the Belarusian Army , the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on its Telegram channel.

The exercises, which are carried out at the company level, aim to improve the coordination of the units, according to the military statement.

” The military carry out shooting practices with light weapons and mortars . They study tactical medicine and other disciplines”, added Defense, who specified that the Russian troops are part of the Russian-Belarusian regional military group.

Last October the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, announced that he had agreed with his counterpart Russian, Vladimir Putin, the deployment of a joint regional group of troops for “the aggravation on the western borders of the State Union”.

According to Minsk, the total number of the Russian component of the group consists of up to 9, military, some 606 tanks, up to 170 armored fighting vehicles and up to 170 guns and mortars with a caliber of more than 200 millimeters.

Ukrainian authorities accuse the Belarusian regime of being complicit in Russian aggression, and h Minsk has been warned that in the event that Belarusian soldiers break into Ukrainian soil, the Ukrainian Army’s response will be devastating.

Precisely from the territory of Belarus the Russian Army launched at the beginning of its military campaign in Ukraine its failed offensive on Kiev , which culminated in a withdrawal, described by Moscow as a “gesture of goodwill”.

Lukashenko has stated on several occasions that his country will not enter in the war in Ukraine together with Russia.

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