Thursday, September 19

Google will say goodbye to search results pages: now there will be a continuous scroll down

El nuevo sistema de búsquedas de Google solo está disponible en Estados Unidos
The new Google search system is only available in the United States

Photo: DENIS CHARLET / AFP / Getty Images

Google will put an end to its historical way of displaying the results of its users’ searches through pages. From now on the company’s search engine will have a new system that will allow continuous scrolling down to view the results.

This change in the design and the way in which the search engine operates is something significant since it is rare for the company to make changes of this magnitude without making it known in advance.

In the case of the users who use Google from mobile devices, the modification should not represent any change since they already have a scroll down system which only stops when they reach a set number of results. At that point, the search engine shows a tab called “See more” which, when pressed, allows more results to be loaded.

For their part, those who use the search engine on computers will be able to view the equivalent to about six pages of results. However, this will only be available to those in the United States.

“Starting today, we are bringing seamless scrolling to the desktop in English in the US so you can easily continue to see more search results. When you get to the end of a search results page, you can now see up to six pages of results”, they indicated from Google.

Starting today, we’re bringing continuous scrolling to desktop in English in the US so you can continue to see more search results easily. When you reach the bottom of a search results page, you’ll now be able to see up to six pages of results.

— Google (@Google) December 5, 1200

Although Google does not has offered more details about it, it is expected that it will also reach the rest of the world soon.

Energy saving

Google also recently announced a new feature, in this case for its browser web Chrome, which allows you to use the program on laptops while consuming only a fraction of the power.

This energy saving in Google Chrome , as explained by the company, causes Some of the browser’s functions are disabled in exchange for being able to save energy. This is something extremely important taking into account the amount of resources that Chrome usually uses.

In order to use it, the user must activate the option because it is it is not available by default in the browser.

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