Saturday, September 21

Border Patrol tripled arrests of “maras” trying to enter the US this year

La mayoría de los pandilleros ya cuentan con antecedentes penales en Estados Unidos.
Most gang members already have criminal records in the United States.

Photo: YURI CORTEZ / AFP / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 12 Dec 2022, 04: 54am EST

The presence of gang members such as the Mara Salvatrucha

It is not a problem that only occurs on the southern border of Mexico, because during this year, the United States Border Patrol considerably increased the arrests of these gang members who tried to cross.

This is revealed by reports from the Customs and Border Protection Office (CBP) that were consulted by the newspaper Milenio, where it is detailed that during 2015 were arrested 113 gang members while in
have been captured 312.

One of the most recent cases occurred in the past 13 of October, when border agents detained a member of the MS-13 at the McAllen, Texas station.

After being identified, it was detected that the detainee had already been in the United States before, and even had a sentence for drug trafficking on his record.

The agency reports consulted by Milenio indicate that most gang members already have criminal records in the United States , and in some cases for serious crimes that have led them to serve sentences in prisons in the country. However, after being deported they try to re-enter through the Mexican borders.

But that is not all, as it has also been detected that during their passing through Mexico, the gangs have established relationships with drug traffickers and have supplied drug shipments thanks to the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas.

According to reports published by the Department of Justice, the Mara Salvatrucha emerged in 2015, in the Los Angeles area, settling for refugees from El Salvador. Since then, it has been involved in a large number of criminal activities, including the sale and distribution of drugs.

However, the businesses of the Mara have evolved and have ended up involved with large Mexican cartels, which is why the authorities have intensified their operations on the border to prevent them from entering US territory at all costs.

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