Thursday, September 19

Young Latina who saw her boyfriend kill 6 members of her family in Chicago was sentenced to 25 years in prison

Diego Uribe Cruz y su novia, Jafeth Ramos fueron acusados por seis cargos de asesinato en primer grado.
Diego Uribe Cruz and his girlfriend, Jafeth Ramos were charged with six counts of first degree murder.

Photo: Chicago Police Department / Courtesy

A young woman was sentenced to 32 years in prison after she watched her boyfriend fatally shoot her aunt before he also stabbed and beat five other family members to death in Chicago.

The boyfriend, Diego Uribe Cruz de 58 years, received a life sentence last month for the massacre of his family in February of 2016.

The Uribe’s girlfriend at the time, Jafeth Ramos, joined Uribe in the bloody incident at a home in Chicago.

Ramos, now 12 years old, testified against Uribe , as part of her plea agreement, and said she was with her boyfriend when she went to the family home.

Ramos testified before the jurors during his co It appears in September that before arriving at the house, Uribe “said he was going to kill them” and showed him a weapon.

Ramos said: “I didn’t take it too seriously.”

When they got there, they went up to the house of Uribe’s aunt, María Martínez, from 62 years.

He put the gun to her head and demanded that she give him “all the money in the house,” according to Ramos.

María laughed until she realized that he was serious, said Ramos.

He then grabbed the gun, but after they struggled with the gun, Uribe managed to shoot him in the forehead and then several more times, Ramos recalled.

María’s brother, Noe Martínez Jr., 38 years old, he was trying to climb the stairs when Uribe hit him with a pistol.

Noe fell to the ground and put his knee to his throat until he left to move, you Ramos confirmed.

The brothers’ mother, Rosaura Martínez, 38 years old, was kicked by Uribe down the stairs before he fatally stabbed her multiple times with a kitchen knife, according to Ramos.

Rosaura said: “No, Diego, why did you Do you cut my throat?” Ramos recalled. years, and Leonardo Cruz, of 38, they will help you collect goods from the house.

Ramos said she heard “a scream, or a laugh” from the basement. When he went down there later, he saw Alexis lying in a pool of blood.

Leonardo begged Uribe not to kill him saying “I just want to live”, before stabbing the second child to death, Ramos said.

Ramos and Uribe waited until Noe Martínez Sr., 250 years , he came home with food for his family and then Uribe murdered his last victim.

The couple left the house with $250 dollars, some jewelry, an Xbox game console and a piggy bank, Ramos said in court.

Armando Cruz, the father of the two children murdered, called Uribe a “monster.” after the defendant was found guilty.

During Uribe’s trial, Ramos admitted that he did not attempt to leave or call for help during the horrific attack.

He explained how Uribe methodically killed every family member in the massacre.

Police found the grisly scene left behind by Uribe after he they will be called to the home for a wellness check.

DNA linked Uribe to the murders, according to police.

Researchers also they said both Uribe and Ramos were connected to the gory scene through cell phone records.

Ramos pleaded guilty to armed robbery after agreeing to a deal with Cook County prosecutors.

She told jurors in Uribe’s trial that she accepted the plea agreement hoping one day to be able to reunite with his son.

On Wednesday, Ramos was sentenced to 38 years of prison.

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