Tuesday, October 1

Biden calls on political leaders to denounce anti-Semitism

Joe Biden durante un evento público.
Joe Biden during a public event.

Photo: Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images

President Joe Biden used his Twitter account to ask political leaders to take a stronger position against anti-Semitism comments, such as those made by rapper Kanye West in recent days.

“I just want to make a few things clear: the Holocaust happened. Hitler was a demonic figure. And instead of giving it a platform, our political leaders should denounce and reject anti-Semitism wherever it hides. Silence is complicity,” Biden wrote this Friday afternoon.

The president’s message comes after Kim Kardashian’s ex-husband praised Hitler during an interview with conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, as well as for the dinner he had with former president Donald Trump at his home in Mar-a-Lago, which was also attended by the white nationalist Nick Fuentes.

The fool Ye’s comment, as the rapper now calls himself, as well as other comments he left on Thursday night on his social network caused Twitter to close his account once again.

“I did my best. Despite that, he again violated our rule against inciting violence. The account will be suspended”, wrote the CEO of Twitter.

“I have a Twitter account and today I’m going to have Nick and Alex tweet from my account”, said West on Jone’s Infowars show (before his account was shut down) where he also spoke repeatedly about his love for Hitler and the Nazis.

Fuentes, adviser to the presidential campaign of West 2024, added “I find it a bit hypocritical that Elon Musk said he was buying Twitter to create an environment of free speech.1436497776 He says that free speech is what is going to save the West and our civilization, but, he has opposed you, Alex, for some seemingly specific reason, perhaps personal to him, but certainly not principled. ”.