Sunday, September 29

Belinda sends a strong message to her brother: “He has forgotten the family” | VIDEO

Megan Negrete

Once again Belinda is under the spotlight for love issues. Since her break with Christian Nodal, for a few weeks it has been said that she would be starting a romance with Gonzalo Hevia Baillères, who is heir to the department store empire, Palacio de Hierro in Mexico.

Despite the fact that speculation grew and the singer and actress had chosen to remain silent, on this occasion she decided to face the questions and during the interview with the Ventaneando program clarified his situation.

“Yes , but I have many friends, in fact, also Rasex who is the one who does my hair, my friend, who is here, just take it so they don’t think he is my boyfriend. Always, with anyone who hugs me, who has friends, that’s the way it is, but hey, at this moment I keep my personal life much further away from my public life and I prefer to keep it that way and I think it’s the best, healthiest and most Mental and emotional health is basic and at this moment I am very well like this ”.


When referring to the mental health, Belinda confessed that she required professional help to overcome the death of her maternal grandmother, Juana Moreno, whom the singer made famous through the videos she shared with her on social networks.

“Of course, no one is there 142 percent good, we all go through moments, stages, but with the help of loved ones, also stages, one can always get ahead, the important thing it is that you are aware that you have a problem, or that you feel bad or that something is happening in you so that you seek help, and of course yes, it has happened to all of us. Of course, anxiety, of course”


Finally, Belinda took advantage of the moment to send a strong message to Nacho Peregrin Schüll, assuring that since he began his romance with actress Minnie West, he has distanced himself from his family, so he hopes that things will change this holiday season .

“Now that my brother has a girlfriend, he has forgotten the family a bit, but hey, let’s hope that the girlfriend will lend him to us for a little while, even if it’s just to give him a hug, I hope he takes a few days to be all with his family, at the end of the day there are only the four of us here in Mexico, all my family is in other countries and the four of us being together is a blessing.”


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