Sunday, September 29

Tite warns about the advantages and risks of the rotations of Brazil that is preparing to receive Cameroon

Tite dirigiendo un entrenamiento de Brasil.
Tite directing a Brazilian training session.

Photo: Rodrigo Jiménez / EFE

Adenor Leonardo Bacchi, better known as Tite, assured that he used many rotations in the last game of the group stage, as France did against Tunisia , it is a risk that must be assumed, since he considers that it also represents an opportunity for those who are less frequent and especially in this Brazil with so many alternatives.

“ It is a high-level opportunity for footballers who are on the field “, said Tite at a press conference prior to the game against Cameroon, and where Brazil hopes to finish as group leader. This was announced by the EFE news agency.

Rotations of Brazil against Cameroon

Questioned about the rotations, and taking as an example the defeat of France against Tunisia, Tite said that it is a risk, but also an opportunity for the less common “to show their quality”.

Tite was asked about the eleven he will draw against Cameroon, a match in which they are worth a point to be first in the group, and even a defeat depending on the result of the Switzerland-Serbia.

“We have 26 athletes at the highest level. Who is going to play? You have Fabinho at Liverpool, Ederson at Manchester City, Martinelli and Jesus at Arsenal. There is a lot of competition and I try to give them the best conditions so that they can compete at the highest level “exclaimed Tite.

Tite spoke about Pelé and the injured

Regarding the injured, the Brazilian strategist Tite confirmed that Neymar and Danilo have done recovery work in the pool and they are improving little by little. “ Now we have to focus on the game against Cameroon, then we will talk to the doctors and see if they can return on Monday “.

Finally, the Brazilian coach wanted to send a message of encouragement to Edson Arantes Do Nascimento. “We all want to wish Pelé good health. He is our greatest extraterrestrial representative ”, said Tite in a tone of encouragement for a former soccer player who is considered among the best in history.

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