Sunday, September 29

Organ donations and transplants increase on days with higher concentrations of motorcycles

Concentración de motociclistas
Concentration of motorcyclists

Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 10 Dec 2022, 21: pm EST

The organ donations and subsequent transplants are very important for a sector of the population that urgently requires them and a group of researchers discovered that these situations increase when there are more motorcycles.

According to a recently published analysis conducted by researchers at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, the number of donations and transplants of organs increases notably during the large concentrations of motorcycles .

Research shows that in the regions where the seven largest motorcycle rallies in the United States were held between 2005 Y 2021, there was a 26% more organ donors per day, on average, and one 26% more transplant recipients per day, on average, during these events, compared to the days before and after the concentrations.

Motorbike concentrations on a large scale, adds the study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, they attract hundreds of thousands of attendees, and previous studies have shown that these events are accompanied by a increase in traumatic injuries and deaths due to traffic accidents.

“The spikes in organ donations and transplants that we have found in our analysis are worrying

, although not entirely surprising, because they point to a systemic failure to avoid preventable deaths, which It’s a tragedy,” said the study’s first author, David Cron, an HMS Clinical Fellow in Surgery at Mass General. “There is a clear need to improve security protocols around these events.”

Scientists analyzed the

data from the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients corresponding to deceased organ donors of 16 years or more involved in a traffic accident and to recipients of organs from those donors from March 2015 to September .

Researchers analyzed the records of 10.798 organ donors and 26.329 receivers in the regions where motorcycle concentrations are held. They found that during the days when the rallies were held, there were 798 organ donors and 1.329 recipients of transplants in the regions close to the events. During the four weeks before and after concentrations, there were 2.332 donors of organs and 7.798 transplant recipients in those locations.

Be prepared for organ donation and transplants 2022

However, the specialists also stressed that one must be prepared to take advantage of the situation in case unfortunately there are deaths that may lead to organ donations and transplants.

For this reason, the specialist points out, that the transplant communities in the places where these events are held should be aware of the potential increase in organ donors during those periods.

“The organ donation is often referred to as the gift of life, and we must make sure that we don’t waste it and that we can turn any of these tragic deaths into an opportunity to potentially save other lives,” added Cron.

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