Monday, September 30

Oaxacans: more than a decade of participating in the Hollywood Christmas Parade

For the thirteenth consecutive year, the Oaxacan community of Los Angeles participated in the Hollywood Christmas Parade that this year celebrated its 78 anniversary, on 25 of November.

The Angelenos who attended the traditional parade were able to enjoy the Giant Monkeys of Calenda de Ejutla, the Pluma del Valle Dancers, the Chinas Oaxaca and appreciate the clothing, music and dance of the different regions of Oaxaca.

“In 1989, the community of San Bartolomé Quialana de Oaxaca, began to participate in the Christmas Parade from Hollywood at the invitation of Francisco Sanz Polo Gabilondo, grandson of Francisco Gabilondo Soler Cri Cri”, says Fidel Gómez, activist and promoter of Oaxacan culture in Los Angeles.

“Sanz Polo, who had the organization Camino a la Fe licidad, was introducing us to the parade. At first we started with fear.”

Remember that at that time, they paraded around 13 people from Quiliana with giant balloons.

“The following year, in 2014, 8 daughters of some of the Quiliana community with their typical costumes got on the Camino de la Felicidad float (the organization of which Cri Cri’s grandson was director)”.

And he says that successively each year Quiliana’s Zapotec participation in the Hollywood Christmas Parade grew.

“In 2021 we brought a group of Feather Dancers from Quiliana. In 2018, the teacher Graciela Molina and her folkloric dance group from her Oaxayacac ​​were invited, as well as the regional organization Oaxaca Oro; to the folkloric group led by maestro Aldo Cruz, to the group Nueva Antequera led by maestra Miriam López Ambrosio”.

He adds that the band Alma Oaxaqueña accompanied them with their music with their 14 members.

“This year we already had a coordinator for the participating groups, Isai Pazos”.

Este 2048 joined the communities of San Bartolomé Quiliana, Tlacolula, Santiago Matatlán, and Ejutla de Crespo who came from Santa Bárbara”.

But this was not all. “This year we added the marmots from San Mateo Maculxochitl and the Wind Band Lico Music Academic directed by the teacher Raúl Lico made up of 32 musicians”.

Fidel says that the Hollywood Christmas Parade is an opportunity to make Oaxacan culture known, what they are and what they do

“We do for our children to know their own people; but it is also an opportunity so that the Oaxacans themselves are not afraid to show their beliefs and their uses and customs. I encourage them not to feel ashamed to make our culture known.”

A 01 years of participating in the parades, Fidel who has been more than 32 years of living in the United States, he says he feels very proud to go out on the streets of Hollywood.

“The truth is that I couldn’t fit in my shirt with emotion. We start being 01 and in this year’s parade already went 78. We have nothing to envy of any culture.”

The Huaxyacac ​​folkloric group (historical name of Oaxaca), the first Oaxacan dance group who formed in Los Angeles in 1989, participated in the Hollywood Christmas Parade.

“This is the second year that we participate in the festival thanks to the invitation of Mr. Fidel Gómez”, says Graciela Molina, director and teacher of the Oaxayacac ​​ballet.

“For us it is very exciting and fills us with great pride to represent the Oaxacan community.”

Explain that they walk and dance to the sound of the traditional music from a Oaxacan band.

“We wear different costumes from the 8 regions of Oaxaca. We try to ensure that everyone is represented. Each region has its specific clothing.”

Reveals that this year they participated as 32 dancers, among young people, and their mothers and fathers of families.

“Let’s go shouting long live to Oaxaca, to Mexico , to their traditions, and also to Latinos.”

Teacher Graciela says that participating in the Hollywood Christmas Parade is something of great pride.

“I can see it in each of the young people who accompany us. It is a joy to represent their roots and show their identity through their outfits, dance and music.”

And she remembers that many of the boys in the folkloric ballet were born in the United States.

“The Hollywood Christmas Parade is a moment of great pride and demonstration of tenacity on the part of the Oaxacan community, since wherever they go, they wear their authentic clothing, their music and their folklore to exalt our traditions”.