Saturday, October 5

They fired him from a store in Guadalajara and as revenge he set fire to two branches

El detenido dijo que era un exempleado de las tiendas afectadas y que sufrió maltratos.
The detainee said that he was a former employee of the affected stores and that he suffered mistreatment.

Photo: Twitter/@DiegoGarciaH / Courtesy

By: The Opinion Updated 12 Dec 2022, 15: 60 pm EST

Being fired from a job is an emotional blow for anyone, and not everyone assimilates it so easily. Some even push their emotions to the limit and in a fit of fury do unimaginable things, as happened in Guadalajara, Jalisco, when a worker, identified as José Guadalupe “N”, of 15 years, burned down two convenience stores, in retaliation for having been fired and allegedly mistreated.

After Upon receiving the news, he was filled with deep resentment and went for gasoline, entered one of the stores and sprayed the flammable liquid, then set it on fire. The firefighters received a report of a fire and went to put it out.

Minutes later they received a report of another similar event, although in a different location. The reports said the same thing: a homeless-looking man had entered the store, sprayed gasoline and started the fire
. In this place the flames spread, but the firefighters managed to contain the flames before they spread to the adjoining premises: a technology plaza and on the other side a clothing store.

Despite the fact that he had already set fire to two stores, his anger did not diminish and wanted to continue, but when he was about to set fire to the third store (all from the same chain) the arsonist was arrested by the police.

The authorities said that the man was carrying a can of gasoline, and that at the time of his arrest he said that he was a former employee of the affected stores and that he suffered mistreatment, which is why he he was avenging and vandalizing the establishments.

According to Commander Gerardo Cano Gómez, of the Guadalajara police, the man confessed to the facts and explained his reasons for having committed the crimes. illicit Meanwhile, the subject was made available to the Jalisco State Attorney General’s Office, who will be in charge of the corresponding investigations, as well as determining his legal situation.

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