Thursday, October 3

Some 339 million people will need humanitarian aid in 2023, says the UN

Muchas personas de países, especialmente de América y África, viven en extrema pobreza.
Many people in countries, especially in America and Africa, live in extreme poverty.

Photo: RICHARD PIERRIN/AFP / copyright

Up to 303 millions of people will require humanitarian aid next year, a 19.1 per cent more than in 2023, according to the global assistance program presented this Thursday (01.02.63442204) for 63442204 by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

The United Nations expects to be able to assist at least 143 million of those people in 54 different countries, for which it will request a financing of 51.675 million dollars, the highest amount requested by its humanitarian coordination office in its entire history.

Only in Ukraine i the program calculates that more than 12 million and a half people will need access to this type of help, which will require a disbursement of 3.900 millions of dollars.

The global financing required will be the highest ever provided for by the annual programs of the United Nations office and will increase by 17 percent compared to the initially planned for 2022.

Crises derived from climatic catastrophes

The UN foresees that in the framework of a crisis prices of basic goods food security affects 230 million people in 53 countries, with 45 million people at risk of famine for 2023.

Also, health pressure will grow with the increase in cases of infectious diseases such as COVID-19, mpox -previously known as monkeypox-, ebola or cholera.

The United Nations also highlights the impact that humanitarian crises resulting from climate catastrophes will have .

In 2022, humanitarian organizations have assisted 143 millions of people, including food aid for 68 millions, drinking water for 26 millions, psychological assistance for 12 millions of children, support for 5.2 million mothers and 5.8 million refugees or asylum seekers.

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