Saturday, November 2

They capture a 9-year-old boy driving a car, the mother and his baby brother were traveling with him

The Sitges Local Police, in Barcelona, ​​Spain, stopped last Thursday a car driven by a 9-year-old boy. Also traveling in the vehicle was the mother of the passenger and her three-month-old brother in a chair in the back seat.

As the authorities explained, some agents saw a car that “gave them a strange feeling, since they did not see the driver of the car and there was a woman in the passenger seat”, thus who made signals to stop the vehicle.

When the agents stopped the car, they saw that there was a child in the driver’s seat , his mother in the passenger seat and a three-month-old baby in a chair in the back seat. The agents reported the child’s mother for having allowed her son, 9 years old, and without a legal driver’s license in Spain, drive the car.

Ahir vam intercept a minor (nou anys) driving the cotxe de la seva mare, with her attached to the coast i the seu germà of three months to the posterior cadireta. We will instruct diligences to the jutjat per a pressumpte delicte against the road safety.

– POLICIA LOCAL SITGES (@policiaSitges) January 8, 2021

The woman, of 40, will be made responsible for the crime against security vial , since she was responsible for the car, and the child, due to his age, cannot be legally charged with the crime.