Friday, September 20

Arnold Schwarzenegger describes Donald Trump as the “worst president in history”

The opinion


In a video, the star of the “Terminator” saga gave a long speech Arnold Schwarzenegger. Photo: NICHOLAS KAMM / AFP / Getty Images

Reactions to the overwhelming assault on the United States Capitol, which was invaded last week by radical supporters of the still president Donald Trump , continues to provoke angry reactions among public figures of all classes and conditions. One of the last celebrities to pronounce on such an incident, which resulted in four fatalities, has been none other than the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger , former governor of California between the years 2003 and 2011.

The protagonist of the saga “Terminator” has shared a video on his social networks to openly reflect on the political and institutional impact of the altercations and, above all, to analyze the role that the current president has been playing in radicalizing his followers and inflaming spirits. In that sense, Schwarzenegger has not held his tongue and has referred to the businessman as the “worst president in history” , of which he has also expressed his wish that he fall as soon as possible in the “irrelevance” .

“President Trump has tried to change the results of a fair election. He has sought a coup by lying and manipulating people. President Trump is a failed leader and as such will end up in the history books. He is the worst president in history, but the good thing is that very soon he will end up being as irrelevant as an old tweet “, he says an excerpt from the harsh speech given by the Austrian-born interpreter.

His Austrian heritage has also led the Hollywood star to compare the incidents of last January 6 with the so-called “Night of the Broken Glass”, when the country’s pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic mobs systematically dedicated themselves to destroying premises run by Jewish citizens and attacking and harassing anyone who did not fit into their exclusive patriotic ideals.

“I grew up in Austria and am well aware of what happened in the“ Kristallnacht ”of 1938. It was a direct attack on the Jews carried out by the Nazi equivalent of the “Proud Boys” (one of the groups of far right that participated in the attack on the Capitol) . Last Wednesday we lived our own Kristallnacht here in the United States, but the attackers did not limit themselves to smashing glass ”, he added Arnold in his speech.

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