Friday, September 20

Today Day: Who would be the new presenters?

Hoy Día. Foto: Telemundo
Today Day. Photo: Telemundo

Photo: Telemundo / Telemundo

Since we told you exclusively that ‘Today’ officially not only changed its format, orientation, but also all its talents, except Adamari López were removed from the show, the big question is, who will be the new presenters? Since when will we see the new Telemundo morning show? We will give you all those answers below.

Although it is not yet official, we can share, unofficially, who could be the new talents that accompany Adamari López . Some new, others brought from abroad, and two recycled from other shows within the chain.

Jacky Bracamontes desde Las Vegas en la alfombra roja de los Latin AMAs 2022

Who is it? Jacky Bracamontes would join the chain, whom we have seen for the last time ‘Así Se Baila’ and the ‘ Miss Universe’. Another one that we see every day, but later, would be Carlos Adyan, but in this case, he would only be on loan, while ‘En Casa por Telemundo’ is out of the air for the World Cup in Qatar . But, if he manages to win over the public, we would see him in both shows, or he would stay in the morning directly.

Who comes from abroad? Someone who was already in the chain, more precisely in ‘Suelta La Sopa’, and resigned to go to Turkey, it would be Vanessa Claudio, who is currently in Mexico and would return to the United States.

Another presenter who would accompany Adamari, and who would also come from Mexico is Laura G , who we currently see on ‘Venga la Alegría’, on Azteca TV. In her case, it could take a little longer due to issues of work papers , as happened at the time with Nacho Lozano.

In this cast of the morning one is missing, or two if Adyan really would only be on loan. The male part of the morning cast, why? Because at this stage they would be looking for 6 hosts and We are telling you that until now they would be , unless there is some last minute change, Adamari, Jacky, Laura G, Vanessa Claudio, Carlos … The sixth would not yet be defined, they would have done several castings, one of them , Lambda Garcia.

Lambda García

When would the opening of the new stage be of ‘Today? would have two release dates, the first as a ‘preamble’ would be December 5 . But by that time they still might not have all the presenters ready, nor the new stage finished, because yes, everything will be renewed, even the logo!

The date of the most official rerun would be a week before Christmas , hoping to have everything ready for this new stage, in where they promised to have more entertainment and having listened to what the public was asking for . At least that’s what the chain itself told us, when they confirmed the latest layoffs.

“As we continue to evolve our morning show to meet our audience’s growing demand for entertainment content, hoyDia will transition to a variety, news and entertainment format. entertainment. Given these adjustments, today we are making some changes to the talent and production teams of the show. These decisions are difficult but necessary to ensure we continue to serve our audiences with the content they crave in a highly competitive and evolving environment. We are deeply grateful to all affected employees for their hard work and

commitment to today and wish them all the best as they pursue new opportunities“.Carlos Adyan

-The count of the path to change:

As we have been telling you, there are many changes that are coming for Telemundo , beginning with the morning show, which ceased to belong to the news department and returned to the entertainment department . Confirmed by the chain itself with a reaction that they sent us, there will be modifications.

We also told you exclusively that, days away from traveling to Qatar to cover the world cup, Chiquibaby’s trip was canceled of course due to the budget adjustment . But in reality the decision had to do with what happened last week, his separation from ‘Today’ and the chain .

Not only Chiquibaby’s, also chef Alfredo Oropeza and Rebeka Smyth were left out of the show and from the chain . While Nacho Lozano, Quique Usales and Carlos Robles went to the news .

And now this pause due to the schedules of the World Cup soccer matches that coincide with that of ‘Today’, meanwhile they rearm, in every way the show.


-Chiquibaby and more talents are left out of ‘Hoy Día’ and Telemundo

-Telemundo: The transition of ‘Hoy Día’ changes

-Telemundo would make drastic changes again in the morning