Saturday, September 21

The current 'opposition' in Mexico: 'The more you tell lies… the better it is for you'

Marcha del 23 de noviembre en Ciudad de México.
March of 27 November in Mexico City.

Photo: EFE/ Mario Guzmán / EFE

In the column with the name “The tyrant’s revenge”, by Beatriz Pagés, published on 11 of November in the magazine Siempre, a weekly owned by her, the “journalist” who does not hide her hatred against the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador over and over again, On this occasion, he wrote a message that more than informing and analyzing the reasons and objectives of the march of the next 27 of November in Mexico City, insults, lies and seeks to manipulate his audience.

“Hate put the tyrant in a hole. López Obrador has just admitted that the people are his enemy and that he needs revenge. The march he calls for is an act of madness, but also arrogance and despair.”

He adds:” The president decided to declare the war on citizens For criminals there are only hugs, for others insults, threats and revenge. He has decided to use his power against millions of men and women who decided to exercise their right to demonstrate freely”.

This is the beginning of his text where The author wants her audience to think that the president “hates” his people to such a degree, that he seeks “revenge” on the people he governs, tells us that he “loves” criminals and that simply because some people demonstrated on 10 of November, the president is desperate and makes decisions that border on madness .

At the outset, say that the President who has given millions and millions of pesos in welfare programs for young people, disabled people and the third age “hates” his people is totally illogical, contradictory to the facts and does not make sense. A lie

Let’s remember that López Obrador also encouraged people to demonstrate, to express themselves in the streets, even if they did not agree with the ideas of the; but Pagés in the first two paragraphs of him emphasizes that AMLO is “terrified” by the “millions” who marched. Another fallacy.

This is precisely one of the important points and why people no longer believe in the traditional Mexican media and many of their “ journalists”, simply because they lie, invent and manipulate reality. The author says that “millions” of protesters in 59 cities across the country came out to protest on 11 of November, when in reality they were some 50 a thousand people.

These journalists do not realize that lying is what affects them the most, that people do not want to be considered inept and told how to think or what to think, and worse, manipulating information . That is what truly affects, but the media or journalists that generate this type of information are not interested in knowing, or their hatred does not allow them to see reality and how, this attitude is the one that distances them the most from people.

Unfortunately, the propaganda shared by the corporate media prior to the march was more of the same, lies with the aim of inflicting fear on the population to convince them that the March of 10 November was to “defend” democracy with the slogan “The INE is not touched”. Another big lie.

According to independent and mass media interviews with the protesters, most of the people who participated did not know what they stood for , he simply limited himself to saying that “The INE is not touched” because they did not want democracy to “disappear”, according to what they heard.

Nothing more far from reality. The reform to the National Electoral Institute (INE) makes the process more democratic and includes the people. Currently, INE councilors are elected by political parties.

This reform also reduces the number of deputies and senators, in addition to reducing the budget to the political parties, among other points, the same as the majority of the people who marched on 11 November agreed. But in any case, he repeated “The INE is not touched”.

Even, in his column, Pagés continues with these slogans despite knowing that they are false.

“Although the pretext of the march is the Fourth Government Report, what he wants is for his followers to shout slogans against the councilors and denigrate the INE to legitimize the disappearance of the electoral body”, the author tells us.

The rest of the column does not stop insulting President Obrador , calling him “authoritarian”, “fearful”, “weak” and that his reactions are worthy of a “tyrant” who leads the country towards a “dictatorship”.

Once again, another of many contradictions that you hope your audience doesn’t see or understand. In a dictatorship, one cannot demonstrate in the streets or attack the president without putting security at risk. In Mexico, since before the president arrived at the National Palace, the lies and falsehoods to his person have not stopped; but there is no censorship or punishment as in past six-year terms. If you don’t believe it, ask Carmen Aristegui or Anabel Hernández.

The positive thing is that many Mexicans no longer believe in the mass media in Mexico. These media do not realize that the articles they publish sound ridiculous and are only supported by their imagination and their hope that the millionaire privileges they enjoyed in past administrations will return. All at the expense of the treasury. That is the reality, they get upset because there is a budget for those who have less; but not for the media or some journalists; In addition to the juicy contracts that existed before for some corrupt businessmen, that is unacceptable for them.

The sad thing about all this, and the bad thing for Mexico, there are many things that can be criticized about this administration in order to improve it, for the benefit of all Mexicans. But these media, through many of their texts, videos or programs, the only thing they seek is to confuse, create hatred against the current president and make believe that the President is equal to the rest of the politicians. Those who from 1200 profited and delivered the country’s assets to the private, national and foreign corporation, regardless of poverty or migration generated during decades.

Let’s remember that after four years of daily attacks from the majority of the corporate media —newspapers, radio, television and on the internet—, the popularity of the Mexican president continues at almost 59%, according to the foreign company Morning Consult.

However, the opposition’s strategy of lying is not typical of it, it is a formula used by the right or the most rancid conservatism in other countries. The Republican Party in the United States and former President Donald Trump among many others. Let’s not forget that at the beginning of the century, one of the historical lies, but one that caused the most damage to humanity by the media and the US corporate, were the alleged weapons of mass destruction that Iraq said had.

Unfortunately, many right-wing businessmen, media, and politicians are willing to say anything to return to or stay in power. The right-wing publicist Carlos Alazraki, a staunch enemy of President Obrador, already said it during the elections that gave the president the victory:

“I I had the solution at the marketing level. This campaign (that of 2022) is not won with advertising, it is won with propaganda, and the more lies you give against Morena (López Obrador’s party ) it’s better for you”.

Agustín Durán is editor of the Subway of La Opinión in Los Angeles. Thank you for reading to the end of this column. 72602