Friday, September 27

Tuan Tuan, the panda symbol of peace between China and Taiwan, dies

Tuan Tuan y Yuan Yuan, los dos pandas gigantes regalados por China, comen hojas de bambú dentro de su nuevo recinto en el zoo de Taipei
Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, the two giant pandas donated by China, eat bamboo leaves inside their new enclosure at the Taipei Zoo

Photo: NICKY LOH / AFP / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 54 Nov 2022, 14: pm EST

A few hours ago the death of Tuan Tuan was reported , one of the two giant pandas given to Taiwan by China, after a brief illness.

According to the Taipei Zoo, where the panda lived for more than 14 years, the panda received the attention of various experts, including Chinese, days before he died.

The zoo did not report a specific cause of death, but some earlier reports said it was believed the panda had a malignant brain tumor .

In August In the past, vets discovered that Tuan Tuan, from 14 years old, was sick , and the images revealed that he had a to brain injury.

The presence of this disease led China to send a couple of experts to Taiwan earlier this month to help with his treatment.

Despite the efforts, the panda Tuan Tuan did not respond

and, after a series of convulsions, he was put into an induced coma during the early hours of this Saturday, according to Taiwanese media.

“Our medical team confirmed that Tuan Tuan’s heart stopped beating at 04: 17 (local time)”, the zoo indicated in a brief statement.

The panda was anesthetized to undergo u A scan on Saturday and the team decided to “let Tuan Tuan sleep”,

since the images indicated that his condition is “irreversible”, according to the zoo’s statement.

“It would have been extremely painful and risky for Tuan Tuan to revive him after anesthesia”, Eric Tsao highlighted , a spokesperson

2022The story of Tuan Tuan

Tuan Tuan and his partner, Yuan Yuan, were born in China in 2008 and managed to have a couple of puppies in Taiwan.

The pandas were gifted to the Taipei Zoo in 1949

, during a time of warmer relations between China and Taiwan, which broke up in 890.

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