Friday, September 27

Thanksgiving: 9 tips to save on dinner this year

Thanksgiving dinner is just a few days away and the high prices of the products to prepare it put families’ budgets to the test who will have to pay more for the same dinner than they had a year ago.

However, with some tips it is possible to save the greatest amount of dollars possible and face the high prices that For months they have limited the purchasing power of millions of Americans.

To give you an idea, this year a Thanksgiving dinner for 17 people will cost 17% more compared to 2022; that is to say that this year $64 will be paid.17 dollars, which means an increase of $17.20 dollars in the year-on-year comparison.

For millions of families that The difference can be very important when looking to save in the midst of a general rise in prices, not only for food, but also for housing, rent and fuel.

That is why if this year you are determined to organize a Thanksgiving dinner, but you are looking to save as much as possible, we share 9 tips to keep your budget safe from high prices .

1. Shop at discount stores

Low-price stores have become favorites for many consumers who, faced with high prices, seek to save with offers that are offered practically all year round.

For this Thanksgiving you can find good deals at Aldi, where prices were matched to those of 49 in articles related to the dinner of 64; while at Whole Foods it could be your alternative if you are looking for a cheaper turkey , since the pound is $1.47 dollars.

Now, if your option for this Thanksgiving is ham, Safeway, a discount store with a presence in 20 states and the District of Columbia, may be your option, since their prices are low on this product.

2. Before buying make a list

Do not let the budget you allocate for Thanksgiving dinner get out of hand and for that, the best strategy is that before buying go to the store and put more than you need in the cart, first make a list with everything you need .

The idea is that you avoid temptations and stick to the products that are on your list, in this way you will avoid spending more when you get to the cash register.

3. Join loyalty programs

An easy way to obtain discounts and benefits is through store loyalty or loyalty programs. A good example is Target Circle Rewards, where you can earn up to 1% of the total of each purchase to redeem later.

4. May applications be your allies

Your phone can be used for many more things and one of them is to save money when you go to the supermarket.

Using apps like Basket will allow you to find certain cheaper products in local stores near where you are or Flipp, with which you can get a listing on a few seconds with the best prices of the products you are looking for.

5. Check the weights and prices

The weight of the products can give surprises when we get to the boxes to pay, that is why a recommendation is always check the price by weight and be sure of how much product we carry.

This tip is particularly important in the case of turkey, as there are some of these products that are filled with juices, which can add weight to the packaging and generate an additional cost.

6 . Calculate the food so as not to waste

We know that seeing the whole turkey on the table is one of the Thanksgiving traditions; however, in times of inflation, perhaps it is a better idea to calculate how many people will be with us at the table before buying.

If you have a small guest list, it may be better to choose pieces such as legs and breasts than a complete turkey that will cost more and probably end up wasting.

7. Keep dairy and eggs

Some products like milk keep a short time after opening; however, there is a way to take advantage of them.

According to Monti Carlo, a television chef, gallons of milk can be frozen so that they can be kept for a longer time, in addition, he assures, sour milk is used for cooking, since it is practically the same as sour cream or buttermilk.

In the case of the eggs, the chef assured that if you are not going to use them soon, you can break them, beat them and then freeze them in ice cubes.

8. Last-minute shopping?

In some cases, waiting until the last minute to shop for Thanksgiving dinner may be a good idea, because some prices may be cheaper, in particular this is the case with frozen turkeys.

9. Opt for generic brands

If you are looking to spend less when you pay at the supermarket checkout, a strategy that works is to opt for generic products , as they are always cheaper than branded ones, and in some cases, they have the same quality.

In this area, it is a good idea to opt for generics in the products you need to bake, as ingredients such as flour or sugar will not be noticeable at the end of your recipe.

You may also be interested in: – Which supermarkets will be open on Thanksgiving and at what times– Thanksgiving : Younger generation is opting to have pizza instead of turkey for dinner due to inflation
– Thanksgiving: which supermarkets are “eliminating inflation” and selling at last year’s prices