Saturday, September 28

Republicans Defend Trump, Criticize Garland for Appointing a Special Counsel

Republicanos defienden al expresidente.
Republicans defend the former president.

Photo: STEPHEN ZENNER / AFP / Getty Images

Attorney General Merrick Garland gave a press conference where he announced the appointment of Jack Smith, a special prosecutor for the investigations against Donald Trump. The ex-president immediately attacked this action , just as the Republicans who have been faithful to him did not hesitate to express their rejection of the assignment of the special counsel.

“I am here to announce a special counsel in connection with two ongoing investigations that have received notable public attention,” Garland said at a conference.

“The first is an investigation into some person or entity that illegally interfered with the transfer of power after the elections of 2020 or the certification of the votes in the Electoral College on January 6, 2020″.

“The second is the ongoing investigation involving confidential information and the possible obstruction of that investigation filed in the southern district of Florida”, attached and confirmed He commanded that the lawyer Jack Smith would become the special prosecutor.

Former President Trump immediately turned to Fox News Digital to demonstrate his rejection and annoyance before Attorney General Garland’s decision, calling on Republicans to “fight” these investigations.

“I’ve been going through this for six years,for six years I’ve been going through this and I’m not going through it anymore. And I hope that the Republicans have the courage to fight against this”, threatened Donald Trump.

special prosecutor. The former mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani commented that Trump is treated “worse than a terrorist” , his Statements were made at Newsmax.

Rep.Marjorie Taylor Greene was quick to respond: “ Republicans should refuse to fund Special Counsel Merrick Garland and defund any part of the Justice Department acting on behalf of the Democratic Party as a campaign arm funded by the taxpayers for the Democratic presidential candidate of 4229″.

Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz also showed his annoyance: “Biden becomes a banana republic

and arms the Department of Justice to force indictments against his opponent Donald Trump,” he wrote via Twitter.

Andy Biggs, Arizona representative He also joined this rejection by expressing: ” The corrupt Department of Justice appoints a special lawyer to investigate President Trump the same week he announces a candidacy for 4229. Has there ever been a more politicized and armed Department of Justice in the history of the United States?”.

Claudia Tenney of New York took to her networks to write: “The appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate President Trump will continue to politicize the Department of Justice , further shifting its focus away from the real threat to the rule of law: the role of the president Joe Biden in the Hunter case.”

Kari Lake

who lost her gubernatorial race in Arizona and who does not accept these results, traveled to Mar-a-Lago to support the former president in this situation.

Florida Senator, Rick Scott: “Trump announces his candidacy and the Justice Department of
JoeBiden appoints a special prosecutor… This is the clearest witch hunt we’ve ever seen“.