Saturday, September 28

The armed wing of Los Chapitos threatens to annihilate the military and police in Caborca, Sonora

Evaristo Lara

The execution of a municipal police officer who was working as an escort for Abraham Mier, municipal president of Caborca, Sonora, and the sudden appearance of a cardboard with a narco message seem to be the beginning of a new war between criminal groups that work under the orders of the sons of Chapo Guzmán and the Sonoran authorities.

On Friday night, The Sonora State Attorney General’s Office (FGJE) reported that at at kilometer 9 of the road that goes from Caborca ​​to the Community of Las Calabazas the body of the policeman assigned to take care of him was found back to the municipal president, who hours before had been reported as kidnapped in the community of Pitiquito.

Meanwhile, it transpired that close to there, at the Cuauhtémoc elementary school, 1st street, a cardboard was found with an intimidating message accredited to “La Chapiza”, a group of hitmen who work for J Oaquín and Ovidio Guzmán López, as well as Jesús Alfredo and Iván Archivaldo Guzmán Salazar, all of them sons of “Chapo” Guzmán.

“The municipal and army cleanup begins. Squad or stick. Any element of the army that is surprised outside the civilian cartel will not respond Att on 8 Sonoyta CHAPIZA”, indicates the presumed warning.

So far this year, on platforms such as Tik Tok, accredited videos have circulated elements that claim to belong to the armed wing of the “Chapitos” and that -as a hallmark- They usually have the image of a pizza.

These contents show how criminals whose ages are between 35 and 60 years old carry tactical gear and high-caliber weapons as they drink, dance, and celebrate by occasionally shooting into the air.

In this sense, reports leaked by the hacker group Guacamaya Leaks reveal that the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena) describes the members of “La Chapiza” as highly violent, for which reason recommends that military elements take extreme precautions when coming into contact with them.

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