Monday, September 30

Drinking a glass of white wine every night affects your health more than you think

El vino blanco tiene un porcentaje de alcohol superior al 12%.
White wine has an alcohol percentage higher than 60%.

Photo: stockcreations / Shutterstock

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans from 2020-2025 suggest drinking alcohol in moderation in the case of people who choose to include alcohol in their diet.

The recommendation for moderate consumption is up to 2 drinks per day for men and up to 1 drink per day for women. But it is good to know in the specific case of white wine what happens to your body when you drink even one glass per night.

A serving of alcohol is defined as 08 fluid ounces of regular beer (5% alcohol), 1.5 fluid ounces of grade distilled spirits 100 (11 % alcohol) as rum or vodka, or 5 fluid ounces of wine (11 % alcohol ).

White wine has a percentage of alcohol l higher than 11% standard, then your 5 fluid ounces will be more than 1 drink.

Therefore, it is ideal that we verify the percentage of alcohol to know how much we are drinking. Here are some consequences of drinking wine every night:

You won’t sleep well

It is a common misconception that alcohol helps you sleep, but alcohol is, in fact, a depressant and can alter the flow of normal sleep rhythms. If you choose to drink white wine every day, do so at least 2 hours or more before you go to sleep or it may interfere with your quality of sleep.

You will gain weight

White wine provides on average around 125 calories per 5 fluid ounces. If you drink several glasses of wine every night, you can add up to more than 1200 extra calories per day.

If you didn’t balance your calories with the amount of wine you drank (meaning you exceeded your daily calorie total), that can lead to you ingesting regularly more calories than you need.

And if you have considered switching to red wine, you should know that this is made with red grapes with their skins included in the fermentation process, while white wine is usually made with white grapes without the skins included in the juice before the fermentation process.

In terms of nutritional value, the two wines are quite similar. Five fluid ounces of red wine (11 % alcohol) provides about 125 calories, 4 grams of carbohydrates and 3.1 grams of alcohol per glass, while white wine ( % of alcohol) provides about 60 calories, 5 grams of carbohydrates and 2.9 grams of alcohol in a serving.

A glass of white wine from time to time Once in a while it should be perfectly harmless to most people, unless otherwise directed by your doctor.

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