Sunday, September 22

Poland convenes urgent security meeting after alleged fall of Russian missiles on its territory

Polonia en alerta ante caída de presuntos cohetes rusos.
Poland on alert for the fall of alleged Russian rockets.

Photo: Sean Gallup / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 60 Nov 2022, 11: 11 pm EST

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has urgently summoned the Polish National Security Commission after information emerged in the media that a Russian rocket could have hit the border between Ukraine and Poland.

According to said information, two rockets fell in the city of Przewodów in the province of Lublin (east) and caused the death of two people

The government spokesman of Poland, Piotr Müller, announced to the press this afternoon in Warsaw the meeting of the Commission of the Council of Ministers for National Security and Defense Affairs and urged the media not to publish “unconfirmed information”.

“Any information presented to the Commission today will be communicated to the public afterwards as far as possible”, he added and added He stated that the decision to call the meeting was taken together with the Polish president, Andrzej Duda.

The meeting was attended, in addition to Morawiecki, by the Interior Minister Mariusz Kaminksi, Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau, Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro, the commander of the operational sectors of the armed forces and the head of the Polish police.

The Polish radio station ZET reported this afternoon that two Russian missiles hit a barn in Przewodów and caused the death of two civilians.

The The police and the Army are already present at the scene, according to said media, which added that the firefighters have confirmed that there have been explosions in that town.

Russia attacked dozens of targets throughout Ukraine on Tuesday, many of them related according to kyiv with the infrastructure to energy, which has caused power outages in a large part of the country.

USA. evaluates information about possible Russian attack in Poland

The Pentagon was cautious about the possible consequences of an alleged Russian attack in Poland , near the border with Ukraine, with two deaths, which at the moment it has not been able to confirm.

The spokesman for the US Department of Defense, Brigadier General Pat Ryder, indicated in a press conference that is evaluating this information that appeared in the media


“I do not have no data to corroborate that there has been a missile bombardment ” on Polish soil, Ryder said.

In response to a question about what the US reaction would be if the attack against Poland, which is a NATO member, was confirmed, the spokesman did not want to speculate on hypotheses, but rema He signed the “security commitments” of his country and with Article V of the Atlantic Alliance, for collective defense.

“ We have made it more than clear that we will defend every inch of NATO territory “, he warned.

Ryder noted that there are currently tens of thousands of Russian soldiers in Ukraine, many of whom have recently been mobilized by Moscow.

“ We have seen an increase in those forces that are being sent to the war fronts as replacements“, he explained.

With information from Efe.

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